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How money, disadvantage and resources risk holding back our brightest students When Ashton was a toddler, his mother noticed something extraordinary: Her little boy was talking long before other kids his age and his curiosity was off the charts. Soon after turning three Ashton could read and write. He wanted to chat over the complex ideas he read about and his language skills were well and truly up to the task. "Mum was really stimulating me, and all of those things came quite naturally," says Ashton*, recounting trips to museums and behind-the-scenes tours that kept his little brain buzzing. An intelligence test later estimated Ashton's IQ at 149: not quite Australia's " Mozart of maths " Terence Tao, but with the average human clocking in at around 100, Ashton's level of brain power is found in fewer than about one-in-1800 of us, placing his intelligence in the 99.95 percentile. A primary school teacher may encounter a child like Ashton in their classroom only once in a career. But with research showing up to 50 per cent of these high potential, or "gifted", students also underachieve at school, there's another layer to the story of Ashton and kids like him. Most at risk of languishing are those from low socio-economic status families, and gifted programs often still place more boys than girl. What is Australia's obligation to develop the potential of bright students within a stretched education system? Is the system equitable? And what is at stake if their brilliant minds are not cared for in the classroom? What does it mean to be 'gifted'? Humans are remarkably predictable. Cognitive intelligence tests are designed so that scores fall across a symmetrical bell curve with 50 per cent above the benchmark of 100, and 50 per cent below. An IQ score between 85 and 115 is considered average and is reported 68 per cent of the time. This pattern is repeated in the classroom with most students clustering around the centre of the curve. Those on the lower end are likely to need extra help and those at the other are the "bright sparks", the kids who consistently bubble towards the top of the grade. But how should we teach the top 10 per cent, the group considered "high potential", with an IQ above 120? Geraldine Townend, a researcher with UNSW's Gifted Education Research and Resource Information Centre (GERRIC), has spent years looking for the answer. "Everyone has abilities," she says, noting some humans display exceptional capacity in a range of spheres, from art and music, to sport, or emotional and social intelligence as well as intellectual and academic. Townend says academically gifted students learn at a pace and complexity significantly higher and deeper than somebody with an average IQ. Just over four million students are enrolled in schools across Australia. It means as many as 400,000 of them will have a cognitive ability of 120 and above including about 80,000 who have IQs over 130, Townend says. That's higher than 98 per cent of the population. Raising a child with exceptional academic potential, perhaps destined solve the world's most pressing problems, sounds exciting. From Matilda to Young Sheldon , culture and entertainment reflects our fascination with child geniuses. Many parents anticipate the school years will be a breeze. Yet as the stories of Matilda and Sheldon also show, these "gifties" — as they are known among parents who lurk in social media groups seeking out others who understand — often have a difficult school life. In 1955, an American psychology professor described gifted students as the most neglected children in the education system . Almost 70 years later, Townend believes not enough has changed, arguing these top 10 percenters need as much differentiation in learning as a child in the bottom 10 per cent. "If I'm working with a student with an IQ of around 130, they're 30 points above the average. Imagine the speed at which you're capable of learning compared with how things are being taught. Very often these students switch off," Townend says. "Thirteen years of school is a long time to be working at such a different level." But there is a view out there that gifted kids should be left to their own devices, Townend says. The argument goes they have enough brains to sort themselves out, and focusing on these children is elitist when so many others are struggling. In reality, high ability children are at risk of disconnecting from school. The world's most famous dropout is surely Albert Einstein who left high school at 15 without graduating and later wrote: "It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry". Like Einstein, some gifted students leave school having never been recognised by the narrowly focused assessments favoured by educational systems the world over, says Michelle Ronksley-Pavia, a senior lecturer in inclusion and special education at Griffith University. The result is that up to half of gifted students fly under the radar, uninspired and even ignored, they never reach their potential . Some become disruptive, the class clown, and others simply give up: as many as 20 per cent never finish high school and 40 per cent never complete a tertiary degree. Townend goes further. She argues failing to identify gifted children, or leaving them to fend for themselves, is a loss not just to the child but to society. At a time when the world is grappling with complex questions from climate change to pandemics, global conflict and AI, Townend says our brightest students are a resource from where Australia's next generation of scientists, politicians, artists and entrepreneurs could be drawn. What are we doing to find them? Why do so many gifted students underperform? In November, a group of about 300 academics and teachers from across the education sector came together to hear an address from a charming and eccentric 84-year-old Canadian psychologist, Professor Françoys Gagné. For five decades Gagné has been among the world's most influential voices on educating gifted and talented students. His Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT) is used in most Australian states and territories to underpin gifted education policies. Appearing on Zoom from his office in Montreal, with "my feet in my slippers needing just a nice shirt and tie to appear professional", Gagné talked participants through his theory that explains how the development of academic and other skills relates to the interaction between natural ability, chance, personal qualities and the environment in which a child is raised. The symposium — organised by Ronksley-Pavia from Griffith University — heard that high performing students fell into two categories: those with innate intelligence, the gifted, who would receive high marks on an IQ test. And those with high academic performance, the talented, whose skills would return high scores on, for example, a NAPLAN test. Gagné's message: please do not confuse them as the same thing. All gifted students have capacity to be talented, Gagné emphasised. But not all talented students are gifted. In a group of 100 students, 50 gifted and 50 talented, as few as 20 would be both gifted and talented, once again highlighting the large numbers who underachieve. A student with ability but who does not achieve at school should concern Australian parents and educators, Gagné believes. It can be the hallmark of a learning environment that fails to recognise the student's needs , or of a student who has emotionally checked out: less Young Sheldon, more Matt Damon's genius janitor in Good Will Hunting . The goal must be to find gifted students, with a sharp eye for identifying that underachieving cohort, and clear a path for them to develop their talents, Gagné says. Ronksley-Pavia says Australia's education system is deeply rooted in social justice and inclusive education that enshrines the idea no child is left behind. Yet she believes too often that philosophy does not extend to gifted kids. "Truly inclusive education means supporting all learners across the full range of abilities. Talent development is the ultimate goal of gifted education," she says. But there is wider impact, too, when gifted kids underperform. Australia's stagnation — or fall, depending on how you interpret the figures — in international rankings for things like maths, science and literacy could reflect, in part, the fact that that too many gifted students are not reaching their potential and their talents are not being expressed. On the one hand a solution for this underachievement must be found in the classroom: how are gifted children identified, how is their learning differentiated. On the other, research points to an uncomfortable truth: many of those underachievers are from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Researchers are increasingly discovering that high ability but low-SES children are the most likely to miss out on the education they need. Gender stereotypes have an impact too, with girls less likely than boys to be found in classes for gifted children. A study released last week suggests that Australia is also showing a worsening gender gap. Girls have fallen further behind boys in both maths and science subjects with Australia ranked worst among 58 countries. It's about equity, not elitism A child's ease of access to the education they need raises questions that go to the heart of concerns about educational equality in Australia, and makes access to gifted education an issue of equity, not elitism. Children from low-SES areas or from less advantaged backgrounds — including First Nations and refugee students — are at risk of not even being offered opportunities in gifted programs. Research into the subject noted that teachers who are not trained in how to identify gifted students are more likely to recognise it in well-behaved children from a dominant culture and less likely to see it in disadvantaged or minority groups. US research showed smart kids from low-SES areas were less likely to be identified as gifted or nominated for extension programs than equivalent students at schools with average or above SES. And this was true even after controlling for achievement in standardised maths and reading tests. In Australia, education policies are attempting to address these problems and offer guides on how to identify gifted students . But the outcomes are imperfect. Ashton grew up in a low-SES home and knows he could have been one of those statistics: the smart kid who missed out. It was only his mother's relentless advocacy on his behalf that ensured the government schools he attended acted on his potential. However, the solution — to push him faster and faster through the curriculum, joining classes of children much older than he was — came with unanticipated collateral damage that reflects the mental health risks that can emerge when education systems get the balance wrong. But more on that later. Whatever background a child is from, making gifted education policies work in the real world is complex. Part of the reason is that each state and territory approaches it differently — using strategies including selective schools or classes, streaming, enrichment through special projects or excursions and grade skipping specific subjects or entire year groups. The Catholic school system offers the Newman Gifted Program and independent schools typically have capacity and resources to provide a variety of approaches to gifted students that can be individually tailored. The variety of approaches can feel scattered and overwhelming, leaving parents — and kids — wondering what will work best for them while balancing an individual child's social development. Social media groups are full of parents asking anxious questions about how to take the right step forward. Ashton moved between two Australian states seeking the right mix. But there's another problem. Who anoints the smart? While the gifted policies are research-backed using theories like Gagné's DMGT, agreeing on which kids are gifted learners is less straightforward and typically left to individual teachers and principals. Some may be highly trained and motivated, having taken on additional study in gifted education. And states and territories are looking for solutions with updated programs such as in NSW where gifted education is set to be offered at every school. But unlike special needs — which has compulsory units in teacher training — training to identify gifted students is generally not a core part of teacher training in Australia. Through no fault of their own, many teachers have no formal training in the traits of gifted students and how to identify them. However elective units and post-graduate degrees in gifted ed are offered at universities including UNSW and Griffith where Townend and Ronksley-Pavia work. There can be clashes of opinion between educators and families. And while the reasons are vast and can include unrealistic expectations from pushy parents, the result is that comparatively large numbers of gifted children are removed from formal education altogether and homeschooled . It's a story advocates for gifted education interviewed for this story have heard plenty of times before, with many noting that a lack of formal pathways to identify high potential children contributes to a perception of elitism. "What very often happens is a systematic program in a particular school is based on one teacher who may or may not have had training in gifted education and has the enthusiasm and the time to be able to do a load of extra work to deliver a gifted program," says Townend from UNSW. "But when that teacher leaves, the risk is that the programme dies." Until the 1980s primary-aged students were commonly given IQ tests to identify children with exceptional academic potential, and then quietly offered extension opportunities related to their results. There is rightly plenty of scepticism about the ability of IQ tests to capture academic intelligence : cultural biases in testing, particularly towards those who are middle class with Western educations, are well-established. The test environment can be stressful for some. It all adds to the risk of skewed results. Teachers identify gifted children from things like classroom behaviour and standardised test results. The result-focused approach also risks missing the large cohort of gifted kids who underachieve as well as bright kids whose ability is masked by neurodiversity. Some parents send their kids off for a psychometric test administered by a psychologist that can identify high cognitive potential, and also flag neurodiversity. It's relatively common for very bright children to also be neurodivergent , a combination known as Twice Exceptional or 2E. But these tests can cost up to $1500 — another blow to the low-SES kids whose families are unlikely to be able to spend so much to prove their child's capacities. Money makes all the difference You can't talk about gifted education in Australia without talking about selective schools. It is a phenomenon that has exploded in NSW that has a network of 17 competitive entry fully selective high schools, far more than any other state or territory. For example, Queensland has three . They have come to represent what many believe gifted education should be. From a pool of around 16,000 applicants, offers are handed out for just over 4000 places in NSW, including to 27 partially-selective schools, with competition for the most prestigious and high performing of these schools far tougher. Selective schools work on the theory that bright kids are grouped together and challenged with advanced work leading to exceptional exam results. It has similarities with Victoria's Selective Entry Accelerated Learning program (SEAL) but rather than a separate school, these classes are run within a comprehensive high school environment. Students have opportunities to zoom through the curriculum or add depth and complexity even completing university level courses. Victoria also has four selective high schools that take students from years nine-12. Other states and territories have different systems again. Yet the important point is that fierce competition for entry means potential students are often tutored for months and even years before the exams, drilling content and exam technique in order to maximise the chance of gaining a place. Applying Gagné's theory suggests competitive entry schools are not always selecting the brightest children, but the ones who are talented and most successful in learning how to tackle the entry exam. Proponents of gifted education question whether these selective programs are effective in identifying gifted students, particularly those whose response to feeling out of place at school is to underperform. In NSW attempts have been made to change the entry test to reduce the advantage of tutored preparation but whether this will be successful is not yet clear. Of course, some extremely gifted or talented children head in for the test and blitz it with no preparation, but the majority do not. And if you a wondering how much that preparation costs, the answer is a lot. Private tutoring often costs around $100 an hour, or a weekly group lesson at a specialist coaching collage can be $800 and above per 10-week term for one three or four-hour lesson a week. Some kids are tutored for a few months in advance of the test. For others, it's a lifestyle that begins from age three . This outlay is perhaps one of the reasons why students who access competitive entry programs like selective schools or the SEAL program typically come from families in Australia's highest socio-economic bands — even higher on average than students from independent private and Catholic schools. And once again, questions about equity emerge: how can gifted students from low socio-economic families possibly participate? Dr Christina Ho from the University of Technology Sydney is an expert on urban inter-cultural relations with a focus on education. She points out gifted students come from all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds but the way access to selective schools is carried out "may disadvantage some people". "The problem is that gifted and talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds simply don't apply," she says. Stimulating high potential children outside school also comes at a cost: Music lessons (upwards of $35 for a 30-minute weekly lesson); school holiday camps in drama, coding or science ($100 a day). And how this gifted economy works against inclusion for children from low-income families doesn't end there. Better-resourced private schools that have capacity to differentiate curriculum delivery for different abilities come at significant cost. Even low-cost government schools with good reputations can drive demand for housing in the catchment that causes prices to skyrocket . And there can be an emotional cost, too At the heart of all this research and strategy around how best to develop and extend gifted and talented students one voice is often silent: how do the children themselves experience the often high-pressure environment of pursuing academic excellence in 2024? For some it is a game changer, a chance to "find their tribe" and finally flourish and feel like they fit in at school. For others, like Ashton, the social isolation of being extracted from a peer group in pursuit of intellectual challenge came at a cost. Now 27, with a higher degree in science and a job he loves, Ashton says the rapid trajectory of his primary and high school years took a toll on his mental health that continues to affect him. At nine and 10, he was in the classroom with 13-year-olds who didn't welcome his presence. At 15 he had graduated from high school and with a special exemption was at university before he turned 16, studying among adults who were not social peers. Academically he was well-catered for in the end, but Ashton believes now that spending his childhood among much older students harmed his emotional development and left him desperately lonely. "I can't think of a time that I was happy for my entire childhood," he says. He believes his experience should be a warning about what can go wrong when the balance between intellectual and social development fails. "The overriding memory I have of my school years was how isolated I felt from my peers," he says. "I've gained a lot of knowledge and skills, and I do think that I am smart, but that feeling crushes any of the benefits of the advanced learning I was attempted to be given. "The lasting damage and genuine trauma those years inflicted make me concerned about the social cost of what I went through, even though it came from the best intentions." He's not alone. Hannah* is another former child giftie. At 12, she spent one day a week at a different school, in a special class for students whose IQ had been assessed at over 130. "I loved that class. It was creative and off-piste and super engaging. I made great friends," she remembers. "But it made things really awkward for me at my actual school. I got hassled a bit by some kids. I was pretty good at shaking it off, but it did upset me." The experience also possibly impacted other areas of her development. "It amped up the pressure I put on myself," she says. "I burned myself out in high school topping the year every year until Year 10. By the time Year 12 came around I had swung the pendulum too far the other way and cruised through without trying. I regret that I didn't engage fully in the learning but by then I'd rebelled against it." An Australian clinical psychologist who works regularly with gifted students but wants to remain anonymous to protect her patients' privacy, says retaining a peer group is vital for children who are still developing social and emotional maturity. "Skipping grades based on academic achievement alone does feel a bit like a sausage factory," she believes. "I've seen people in the mental health system that have been absolutely scarred by it socially and emotionally." Instead of advancing the curriculum, the psychologist — with personal experience of her own gifted education and that of her children — recommends broadening it out. But importantly she argues this broadening does not have to occur only in a school setting. "You might be able to skip ahead academically but you can't skip ahead in your emotional maturity," she says. "If you skip ahead of your peer group for academic purposes you are missing the richest part of school life, the relationships you form with others and learning about yourself." What works? What might a perfect gifted education look like? Gagné urges schools to move beyond the "age-grade lockstep" that restricts most students to a one-step-per-year learning system even when a gifted student may be capable of learning twice as fast as one with average intelligence. And once again the key is how to spot the underachieving gifties in among the talented over-achievers. In 2016 a group of researchers sifted through 100 years worth of research into the impact of ability grouping and acceleration on academic achievement. They found grouping children into small ability-based teams within their regular class was more effective than grouping kids in separate streamed classes. Even better was what's known as cross-grade subject grouping whereby students of different grade levels are grouped based on achievement rather than age while also retaining links to their age peers. This is the system used by Adelaide's Dara School which has developed cult-like status among certain families searching for a different way to educate their giftie. Some families even move states to access this independent school that accepts students from age five until graduation. "Every child at this school is gifted whereas a lot of other schools have special programs tacked on that cater to gifted students," says Dr Lynda McInnes, the principal and co-founder of Dara that opened in 2017. "There are so many myths about gifted children: they will just learn regardless, you can't accelerate gifted children because it will harm them emotionally," McInnes says. "They actually really need to be with like-minded peers. They need to be nurtured just like any other child. They just need to do it faster." Dara uses standardised testing such as NAPLAN, psychological tests, teacher recommendations and parent insights to screen for entry — a deliberate move away from the competitive entry tests relied on by selective schools. Once accepted, students join classes — mostly taken by teachers with specialised gifted training — based on ability, not age, allowing students to shuffle between year groups and subjects according to which best fits their aptitude. "We'll keep moving the student until they get to a stage where the curriculum is relevant and challenging for them," McInnes says, acknowledging the bespoke nature of the school and complex timetabling only works because it remains very small. Fewer than 100 students attend. While hitting many of the gold standard targets gifted research promotes, how Dara performs over time is yet to be tested. It's most recent NAPLAN results show students performing well above state and national averages, perhaps a sign that these gifted students are also displaying their talents. And of course, as a private school, attending Dara comes at a cost. At just over $7000 a year, Dara is modestly priced compared with some private schools, but it again shows that money and access are everything. Overall, the picture that emerges is that all the research and thoughtful policy in the world can't predict how an individual child will respond. For some, advanced and enriched work is the sweet spot. For others social connection with like minds is the most important goal. Either way educators and parents have their work cut out. And the solution will be as unique as the intriguing minds of the individual children it's designed to serve. *Names have been changed Credits Words and production: Catherine Taylor Illustrations: Gabrielle Flood and Lindsay Dunbar ABCPhillies have no plans to start pitching prospect Andrew Painter in spring training following injury
Hezbollah fired into a disputed border zone held by Israel on Monday after multiple Israeli strikes inside Lebanon since a ceasefire took hold last week. The militant group said the volley, its first during the truce, was a warning shot in response to what it called repeated Israeli violations . Israeli leaders threatened to retaliate, and within hours, Israel’s military carried out a string of strikes in southern Lebanon, state media reported. There was no immediate word on casualties or what was struck. Israel has said its strikes in since the ceasefire began Wednesday have been in response to unspecified Hezbollah violations, and that under the truce deal it reserves the right to retaliate. Hezbollah began launching its attacks in solidarity with Hamas militants who are fighting Israel in the Gaza Strip. The war in Gaza began when Hamas-led militants stormed into southern Israel, killing some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking around 250 people hostage . Israel’s blistering retaliatory offensive has killed at least 44,429 Palestinians , more than half of them women and children, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which does not say how many of the dead were combatants. Israel says it has killed over 17,000 militants, without providing evidence. The war in Gaza has destroyed vast areas of the coastal enclave and displaced 90% of the population of 2.3 million, often multiple times . Here’s the Latest: WASHINGTON — U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is demanding the immediate release of Israeli hostages still being held in Gaza, saying that if they are not freed before he is sworn into office for a second term there will be “HELL TO PAY.” “Please let this TRUTH serve to represent that if the hostages are not released prior to January 20, 2025, the date that I proudly assume Office as President of the United States, there will be ALL HELL TO PAY in the Middle East, and for those in charge who perpetrated these atrocities against Humanity,” Trump wrote in a post on his Truth Social site . He added that, “Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied History of the United States of America. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!” It was not immediately clear whether Trump was threatening to directly involve the U.S. military in Israel’s ongoing campaign against Hamas in Gaza. Trump allies have said he hopes there will be a ceasefire and hostage release deal before he returns to office early next year. The war in Gaza began when Hamas-led militants stormed into southern Israel, killing some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking around 250 people hostage on Oct. 7, 2023. Some 100 are still held inside Gaza , around two-thirds believed to be alive. WASHINGTON — Senior American officials have had conversations with Israelis to raise questions about some of the strikes they have carried out against Hezbollah since a ceasefire went into place but have not found the Israelis to be in gross violation of the terms of the ceasefire, according to a U.S. official familiar with the matter. The official, who was not authorized to comment publicly about the sensitive conversations with the Israelis, said those conversations were part of a mechanism that was created to ensure that ceasefire agreement is implemented. “This is that mechanism working,” the official added. White House national security spokesman John Kirby on Monday that “largely speaking the ceasefire is holding.” “We’ve gone from, you know dozens of strikes, you know, down to one a day maybe two a day,” Kirby told told reporters aboard Air Force One as President Joe Biden made his way for a visit to Angola. “That’s a tremendous, tremendous reduction. And we’re going to keep trying and see what we can do to get it down to zero so that both sides are fully implementing it. But, this is, this is the only it’s only a, a week or so old.” — By Aamer Madhani JERUSALEM — Hezbollah fired into a disputed border zone held by Israel on Monday, the militant group’s first attack since its ceasefire with Israel took hold last week, after Lebanon accused Israel of violating the truce more than 50 times in recent days. The Israeli military said two projectiles were launched toward Mount Dov, a disputed Israeli-held territory known as Shebaa Farms in Lebanon, where the borders of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel meet. Israel said the projectiles fell in open areas and no injuries were reported. Hezbollah said in a statement that it fired on an Israeli military position in the area as a “defensive and warning response” after what it called “repeated violations” of the ceasefire deal by Israel. It said complaints to mediators tasked with monitoring the ceasefire “were futile in stopping these violations.” The U.S.- and French-brokered ceasefire came into effect on Wednesday calling for a 60-day halt in fighting, aiming to end more than a year of exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and Israel. Since then, Israel has carried out a number of strikes in Lebanon, most recently on Monday, when a drone strike killed a man on a motorcycle in southern Lebanon and another hit a Lebanese army bulldozer in the northeastern town of Hermel, wounding a soldier. The Lebanese army had stayed on the sidelines of the war between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel says the strikes are in response to Hezbollah violations of the ceasefire, without giving specifics. BEIRUT — Lebanon’s parliament speaker on Monday accused Israel of committing 54 breaches of the ceasefire that ended the war between Hezbollah and Israel, demanding urgent intervention to halt what he called “flagrant violations.” Speaking to the Lebanese newspaper Al Joumhouria, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri condemned Israel’s “aggressive actions,” including the alleged demolition of homes in border villages, the persistent overflight of Israeli reconnaissance drones, and airstrikes that have caused casualties. The Israeli military did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Berri’s assertions. Israel says it reserves the right under the ceasefire deal to respond to perceived ceasefire violations. An Israeli drone strike on Monday hit a Lebanese army military bulldozer in the northeastern town of Hermel, wounding a soldier, the Lebanese army said in a statement. Also on Monday, an Israeli drone strike targeting a motorcycle in Jdeidet Marjayoun in southern Lebanon killed one person, the Lebanese Health Ministry said. In Bint Jbeil province, a drone strike injured one person, the state-run National News Agency said. On Saturday, two people were killed in an airstrike on Marjayoun province, Lebanon’s state media said. Berri called on the technical committee established to monitor the ceasefire to take immediate action, urging it to “oblige Israel to halt its violations and withdraw from Lebanese territories without delay.” He said that Lebanon and Hezbollah have fully adhered to the terms of the ceasefire since the early hours of Wednesday. Berri is the leader of the Shiite Amal movement, which is closely allied with the Shiite militant group Hezbollah. BEIRUT — Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency said Monday one person was killed in an Israeli drone strike that hit a motorcycle, while the Lebanese army said that a soldier was wounded in an Israeli strike on a military bulldozer at an army base. The Israeli military said that it carried out a series of strikes in Lebanon on Sunday and Monday, including one in the same area where the soldier was said to have been wounded. It said it struck several military vehicles in Lebanon’s Bekaa province as well as strikes on Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon. The incidents underscored the fragility of a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hezbollah reached after nearly 14 months of cross-border fighting. Since the ceasefire went into effect on Wednesday, Israel has struck several times in response to what it says have been ceasefire violations by Hezbollah. Lebanon has accused Israel of violating the deal but so far Hezbollah has not resumed its rocket fire. Israeli Foreign Minister Gideon Saar on Monday rejected accusations that Israel is violating the tenuous ceasefire agreement, saying it was responding to Hezbollah violations. In a post on X, Saar said that he made that point in a call with his French counterpart, Jean-Noël Barrot. France, along with the U.S., helped broker the deal and is part of an international monitoring committee meant to ensure the sides uphold their commitments. Israel says that it reserves the right under the deal to respond to perceived ceasefire violations. TEL AVIV, Israel — The Israeli military said Monday an Israeli American soldier who was believed to have been taken hostage alive on Oct. 7, 2023, is now presumed to have been killed during Hamas’ attack and his body taken into Gaza. Neutra, 21, was a New York native who enlisted in the Israeli military and was captured when Hamas attacked southern Israel. Neutra’s parents, Ronen and Orna, led a public campaign while he was thought to be alive for their son’s freedom. They spoke at protests in the U.S. and Israel, addressed the Republican National Convention this year and kept up ties with the Biden administration in their crusade to secure their son’s release. In a statement announcing the death, the military did not say how it came to the conclusion over Neutra’s fate. He was one of seven American Israelis still held in Gaza, four of whom are now said to be dead. Hamas released a video of one, Edan Alexander, over the weekend, indicating he was still alive. In late summer, Israel said Hamas killed Hersh Goldberg-Polin , another prominent Israeli American hostage, along with five other captives, whose bodies the Israeli military recovered. The war in Gaza began when Hamas-led militants stormed into southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, killing some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking around 250 hostage. Some 100 captives are still held inside Gaza , around two-thirds believed to be alive. Iraqi militias supported by Iran deployed in Syria on Monday to back the government’s counteroffensive against a surprise advance by insurgents who seized the largest city of Aleppo, a militia official and a war monitor said. Insurgents led by jihadi group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham launched a two-pronged attack on Aleppo last week and the countryside around Idlib before moving toward neighboring Hama province. Government troops built a fortified defensive line in northern Hama in an attempt to stall the insurgents’ momentum while jets on Sunday pounded rebel-held lines. Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi met with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus Sunday and announced Tehran’s full support for his government. He later arrived for talks in Ankara, Turkey, one of the rebels' main backers. Iran has been of Assad’s principal political and military supporters and deployed military advisers and forces after 2011 protests against Assad’s rule turned into an all-out war. Tehran-backed Iraqi militias already in Syria mobilized and additional forces crossed the border to support them, said the Iraqi militia official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. According to Britain-based opposition war monitor the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, some 200 Iraqi militiamen on pickups crossed into Syria overnight through the strategic Bou Kamal. They were expected to deploy in Aleppo to support the Syrian army’s pushback against the insurgents, the monitor said. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — U.S. Navy destroyers shot down seven missiles and drones fired by Yemen’s Houthi rebels at the warships and three American merchant vessels they were escorting through the Gulf of Aden. No damage or injuries were reported. U.S. Central Command said late Sunday that the destroyers USS Stockdale and USS O’Kane shot down and destroyed three anti-ship ballistic missiles, three drones and one anti-ship cruise missile. The merchant ships were not identified. The Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement and said they had targeted the U.S. destroyers and “three supply ships belonging to the American army in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden.” Houthi attacks for months have targeted shipping through a waterway where $1 trillion in goods pass annually over the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza and Israel’s ground offensive in Lebanon. A ceasefire was announced in Lebanon last week. The USS Stockdale was involved in a similar attack on Nov. 12 . Read more of the AP's coverage of the Middle East wars: Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.
The US Navy is to transform three, white elephant, stealth destroyers by fitting them with first-of-their-kind shipborne hypersonic weapons. The USS Zumwalt is at a Mississippi shipyard where workers have installed missile tubes that replace twin turrets from a gun system that was never activated because it was too expensive. Once the system is complete, the Zumwalt will provide a platform for conducting fast, precision strikes from greater distances, adding to the usefulness of the warship. “It was a costly blunder. But the Navy could take victory from the jaws of defeat here, and get some utility out of (the ships) by making them into a hypersonic platform,” said Bryan Clark, a defence analyst at the Hudson Institute. The US has had several types of hypersonic weapons in development for the past two decades, but recent tests by both Russia and China have added pressure to the US military to hasten their production. Hypersonic weapons travel beyond Mach 5, five times the speed of sound, with added manoeuvrability making them harder to shoot down. Last year, The Washington Post newspaper reported that among the documents leaked by former Massachusetts Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira was a defence department briefing that confirmed China had recently tested an intermediate-range hypersonic weapon called the DF-27. While the Pentagon had previously acknowledged the weapon’s development, it had not recognised its testing. One of the US programmes in development and planned for the Zumwalt is the Conventional Prompt Strike. It would launch like a ballistic missile and then release a hypersonic glide vehicle that would travel at speeds seven to eight times faster than the speed of sound before hitting the target. The weapon system is being developed jointly by the Navy and Army. Each of the three Zumwalt-class destroyers would be equipped with four missile tubes, each with three of the missiles for a total of 12 hypersonic weapons per ship. In choosing the Zumwalt, the Navy is attempting to add to the usefulness of a 7.5 billion US dollars (£5.9 billion) warship that is considered by critics to be an expensive mistake despite serving as a test platform for multiple innovations. The Zumwalt was envisioned as providing land-attack capability with an advanced gun system with rocket-assisted projectiles to open the way for Marines to charge ashore. But the system featuring 155mm guns hidden in stealthy turrets was cancelled because each of the rocket-assisted projectiles cost up to one million dollars (£790,000). Despite the stain on their reputation, the three Zumwalt-class destroyers: Zumwalt, Michael Monsoor and Lyndon B Johnson; remain the Navy’s most advanced surface warships in terms of new technologies. Those innovations include electric propulsion, an angular shape to minimise radar signature, an unconventional wave-piercing hull, automated fire and damage control and a composite deckhouse that hides radar and other sensors. The US is accelerating development because hypersonics have been identified as vital to US national security with “survivable and lethal capabilities”, said James Weber, principal director for hypersonics in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies. “Fielding new capabilities that are based on hypersonic technologies is a priority for the defence department to sustain and strengthen our integrated deterrence, and to build enduring advantages,” he said.Hoops star Nurse joins Athletes Unlimited aiming to rebound from ‘rocky’ two yearsCINCINNATI (AP) — The Cincinnati Bengals have found all manner of ways to lose close games this season. Sunday's 44-38 loss to AFC North rival Pittsburgh can be blamed on a defense that missed tackles and allowed 520 yards of offense, and three turnovers by Joe Burrow. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings.
Ange Postecoglou searching for answers over Tottenham’s injury crisisUS to transform white elephant destroyers by fitting hypersonic weapons
Next on the schedule for the Houston Texans (7-4) is a division matchup against the Tennessee Titans (2-8) on Sunday, November 24, 2024 at NRG Stadium. You should head to TV in order to see this game. Watch live NFL games, NFL Network, other live sports and more on Fubo. What is Fubo? Fubo is a streaming service that gives you access to your favorite live sports and shows on demand. Start your risk free trial today and watch seven hours of commercial-free football from every NFL game every Sunday. Catch NFL action all season long on Fubo. Watch Thursday Night Football exclusively on Prime Video. Rep your favorite NFL players with officially licensed gear. Head to Fanatics to find jerseys, shirts, hats, and much more. Get tickets for any NFL game this season at StubHub.
DEAN McCullough and Ant McPartlin came face-to-face on I'm A Celebrity tonight after fans said they spotted a feud between them. Radio 1 DJ Dean has done several dreaded Bushtucker Trials - therefore spending a lot of time with Ant and Dec. 4 Ant McPartlin came face to face with Dean McCullough again Credit: Erotreme 4 Radio DJ Dean has done several Bushtucker Trials to date Credit: Eroteme 4 Danny and Dean faced another disgusting trial Credit: ITV In tonight's (November 22) episode, Dean and McFly star Danny Jones took on the latest trial, High Street Of Horrors. Shortly after their arrival, Ant acknowledged past tension between the two. He told the celebrity campmate: "Dean, I'm not angry anymore, I'm just disappointed." The trial itself comprised three shops, each containing a number of stars to win for camp. Read more on I'm A Celeb GUT PUNCH I'm A Celeb's Dean in swipe at Ant in awkward moment as he quits another trial Ant’s Wrath Ant McPartlin SLAMS 'useless' Dean McCullough after he loses another trial Overall, the objective was to locate all of them within the allotted time for their shopping spree. The first stop, Grim Grocers had three stars on offer with three minutes to find them. Danny, in his eagerness, tripped over when the klaxon sounded. In their effort, the duo won a total of eight stars for camp altogether. Most read in I’m A Celebrity 2024 'FIGHTER' Tulisa's ex makes surprise admission about her changing face amid heath battles FAMILIAR FACE Maura Higgins breaks her silence on awkwardly sharing a camp with ex’s dad Mum's the word Inside I'm A Celeb star Tulisa's turbulent relationship with mum beaten down I’m A Celeb’s Sam Thompson begs producers to check on 'missing’ campmate At the same time, new additions Reverend Richard Coles and Maura Higgins continued their deceit of the main camp. Arriving before Danny and Dean, they pretended to have already done the trial miserably - winning no stars. Fuming Dean McCullough takes a swipe at Ant in awkward moment after he QUITS another I'm A Celeb Bushtucker Trial Reverend Richard joked: “I’m really consumed with guilt!” A twist after the trial saw Dean go back to the Junkyard with Maura and Reverend Richard. Ant previously addressed the "feud" with Dean during Thursday's episode of ITV2 spin-off show Unpacked. The star admitted he was "annoyed" at the DJ for screaming 'I'm A Celeb' and quitting the task early - and being "unprofessional" in how he dealt with it. He said: "My annoyance came across on screen and it was quite unprofessional and I'm not happy about it." Dec sarcastically responded "I think you hid it quite well, Ant...I think you hid it quite well." Ant went on: "You get to the point when you think 'what are you doing?'" Taking to social media, viewers at home shared their observations. I'm A Celebrity 2024 i'm A Celebrity is back for its 24th series, with a batch of famous faces living in the Aussie jungle. The Sun's Jake Penkethman takes a look at the stars on the show this year.. Coleen Rooney - Arguably the most famous name in the camp, the leading WAG, known for her marriage to Wayne Rooney , has made a grand return to TV as she looks to put the Wagatha Christie scandal behind her. The Sun revealed the mum-of-four had bagged an eye-watering deal worth over £1.5million to be on the show this year making her the highest-paid contestant ever. Tulisa - The popstar and former X Factor judge has made her triumphant TV comeback by signing up to this year's I'm A Celeb after shunning TV shows for many years. Known for being a member of the trio, N-Dubz, Tulisa became a household name back in 2011 when she signed on to replace Cheryl on ITV show The X Factor in a multi-million pound deal. Alan Halsall - The actor, known for playing the long-running role of Tyrone Dobbs on ITV soap opera Coronation Street, was originally signed up to head Down Under last year but an operation threw his scheduled appearance off-course. Now he has become the latest Corrie star to win over both the viewers and his fellow celebrities. Melvin Odoom - The Radio DJ has become a regular face on TV screens after rising to fame with presenting roles on Kiss FM, BBC Radio 1 and 4Music. Melvin has already been for a spin on the Strictly dancefloor and co-hosted The Xtra Factor with Rochelle Humes in 2015 but now he is facing up to his biggest challenge yet - the Aussie jungle . GK Barry - The UK's biggest social media personality, GK, whose real name is Grace Keeling, has transformed her TikTok stardom into a lucrative career. Aside from her popular social media channels, she hosts the weekly podcast, Saving Grace, and regularly appears on ITV talk show, Loose Women. She has even gone on to endorse popular brands such as PrettyLittleThing, KFC and Ann Summers. Dean McCullough - A rising star amongst this year's bunch of celebs , Dean first achieved notability through his radio appearances on Gaydio and BBC Radio 1. He was chosen to join the BBC station permanently in 2021 and has featured prominently ever since. He has enjoyed a crossover to ITV over the past year thanks to his guest slots on Big Brother spin-off show, Late & Live. Oti Mabuse - The pro dancer has signed up to her latest TV show after making her way through the biggest programmes on the box. She originally found fame on Strictly Come Dancing but has since branched out into the world of TV judging with appearances on former BBC show The Greatest Dancer as well as her current role on ITV's Dancing On Ice . Danny Jones - The McFly star was drafted into the programme last minute as a replacement for Tommy Fury. Danny is the second member of McFly to enter the jungle , after Dougie Poynter won the show in 2011. He is also considered a rising star on ITV as he's now one of the mentors on their Saturday night talent show, The Voice , along with bandmate Tom Fletcher. Jane Moore - The Loose Women star and The Sun columnist is braving the creepy crawlies this year. The star is ready for a new challenge - having recently split from her husband . It will be Jane's first foray into reality TV with the telly favourite having always said no to reality shows in the past. Barry McGuigan - Former pro boxer Barry is the latest fighting champ to head Down Under following in the footsteps of Tony Bellew and Amir Khan. It comes after a tough few years for Irish star Barry, who lost his daughter Danika to bowel cancer . He told The Late Late Show in 2021: "She was such an intrinsic part of the family that every day we ache." Maura Higgins - The Irish TV beauty first found fame on Love Island where she found a brief connection with dancer Curtis Pritchard . Since then, she has competed on Dancing On Ice as well as hosting the Irish version of the beauty contest, Glow Up. Since last year, she has been working on building up her career in the US by being the social media correspondent and host of Aftersun to accompany Love Island USA. She even guest hosted an episode of the spin-off, Love Island Games, in place of Maya Jama last year. Rev. Richard Coles - Former BBC radio host the Rev Richard Coles is a late arrival on I’m A Celebrity , and he's ready to spill the beans on his former employer. The former Communards and Strictly star , said the BBC did not know its a**e from its elbow last year. An insider said: "Rev Coles will have a variety of tales to tell from his wild days as a pop star in the Eighties, through to performing on Strictly and his later life as a man of the cloth." One wrote on X: “im not angry” “im just disappointed” ant is so fed up with dean." Another added: "dying at how obvious it is that ant cannot stand dean." Read more on the Scottish Sun COMIC'S CASTLE Still Game star takes £150,000 hit to offload luxury £4m Scots castle HITTING THE HIGH NOTES Much-loved pub named best music bar in Scotland While a third commented: "Ant & Dec absolutely despise Dean don’t they #ImACeleb." I'm A Celebrity continues on ITV1 and ITVX. 4 Dean didn't looked impressed Credit: ITVCurrently, the New Orleans Pelicans (4-16) have six players on the injury report, including Brandon Ingram, in their matchup with the New York Knicks (11-8) at Madison Square Garden on Sunday, December 1 at 6:00 PM ET. The Knicks have two players on the injury report. Watch the NBA, other live sports and more on Fubo. What is Fubo? Fubo is a streaming service that gives you access to your favorite live sports and shows on demand. Use our link to sign up for a free trial. Their last time out, the Knicks won on Friday 99-98 against the Hornets. Jalen Brunson scored a team-leading 31 points for the Knicks in the win. The Pelicans are coming off of a 120-109 loss to the Grizzlies in their last game on Friday. CJ McCollum scored 30 points in the Pelicans’ loss, leading the team. Sign up for NBA League Pass to get live and on-demand access to NBA games. Get tickets for any NBA game this season at StubHub. Catch NBA action all season long on Fubo. Not all offers available in all states, please visit BetMGM for the latest promotions for your area. Must be 21+ to gamble, please wager responsibly. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, contact 1-800-GAMBLER .BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Jaylen Blakes and Maxime Raynaud scored 20 points apiece and Stanford beat California 89-81 on Saturday in the first Atlantic Coast Conference opener for the former Pac-12 rivals. Blakes sank 7 of 13 shots with two 3-pointers and made all four of his free throws for the Cardinal (8-2). He added six assists and blocked a pair of shots. Raynaud made 8 of 15 shots — 4 of 6 from beyond the arc — and blocked five shots. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings. Get updates and player profiles ahead of Friday's high school games, plus a recap Saturday with stories, photos, video Frequency: Seasonal Twice a week
Joe Burrow is no longer talking about the playoffs after another loss by the high-scoring BengalsInfluencer Dominique Brown dies at 34 as shocking claim emerges
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The right frame can freeze a moment in time, creating meaning for the masses from a , a , towns , and a victory sealed with an . In 2024, photographers across the U.S. captured glimpses of humanity, ranging from a deeply divisive , to hurricanes and that ravaged communities, to over the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The gallery from The Associated Press illustrates a new chapter of political history — the assassination attempt on former President , the moment President Joe Biden announced he , the campaign sprint by Vice President Kamala Harris in Biden’s place, and the raw emotion from during a grueling contest ultimately . Hurricanes whipped through the country with devastating imagery, leaving a path of wreckage and death from to . After Hurricane , in North Carolina was shown in a jarring photo covered in shards of debris thick enough to hide the surface of the water. Hurricane ripped apart the roof of in St. Petersburg, Florida, home to Major League Baseball’s Tampa Bay Rays. The scale of destruction experienced in some corners of the country in 2024 was hard to capture and might have been harder to fathom. That was the case when a container ship slammed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing it to collapse and crumple around the vessel, on the bridge. As flames , another image captured firefighters and sheriff’s deputies pushing a vintage car away from a burning home. , one photo is aglow with bright orange flames, broken up only by the subtle features of an animal running through them. But hope also persevered in the face of devastation. In , an image from Crystal River, Florida, shows Dustin Holmes holding hands with his girlfriend, Hailey Morgan, as they sloshed through floodwaters with her 4- and 7-year-old children to return to their flooded home. And in Manasota Key, Florida, a family was lit up by the glow of flashlights as they walked to check on their home damaged by Milton. Other photos from 2024 also grabbed the darkness and shadows to emphasize light: among them, a and a total solar . And, yes, eclipse glasses were back in style for a shared moment of skygazing. But many other photos delivered a blast of color, from the spectrum of the northern lights to a crew of workers wading into the deep-red of a Massachusetts . And, once again, captured the country’s attention, even as a part of the crowd. She rushed down from the stands to kiss her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, after the Chiefs , en route to win.Phillies have no plans to start pitching prospect Andrew Painter in spring training following injury
A drugs factory has been dismantled in a quiet South Yorkshire town by eagle-eyed officers. The factory, based in commercial premises in Thorne, was raided after South Yorkshire Police received information, which led to the discovery of the £250,000 drugs factory. Using a chainsaw to cut through two metal roller shutters, officers were able to access the cannabis cultivation inside. The force says 235 plants in total was found alongside a drying room which contained around £20,000 worth of cannabis. A spokesperson said: "The premises was divided into eight growing rooms spread across two floors, with a living quarter comprising of a single bed, toiletries, a stove for cooking and a well-stocked fridge." One man was arrested at the scene in the town centre after being seen exiting through the roof. He has since been charged with being concerned in the production of a controlled class B drug. Doncaster East Neighbourhood Policing Team Inspector Alison Carr said: "This was a significant cannabis cultivation and evidence shows these grows are linked to organised crime groups who have absolutely no place in our society. "They are responsible for spreading fear, violence and terror in our communities, and by disrupting their supply of drugs, which funds further criminal activities, we can limit their influence and dismantle their operations. "These cannabis cultivations are also linked to modern slavery, as they are known to exploit vulnerable people who are forced to commit to looking after these grows. "That is another reason why we need people to keep reporting any suspicions they have around cannabis grows to police so we can act and deliver justice." Get all the latest big and breaking Yorkshire news straight to your mobile via WhatsApp by clicking here . If you don’t like our community, you can leave any time. We also treat members to special offers, promotions, and adverts from us and our partners. Read our privacy notice here .Photographers captured a deeply divisive election, hurricanes and fires, and campus protests. Subscribe to continue reading this article. Already subscribed? To login in, click here.The USS Zumwalt is at a Mississippi shipyard where workers have installed missile tubes that replace twin turrets from a gun system that was never activated because it was too expensive. Once the system is complete, the Zumwalt will provide a platform for conducting fast, precision strikes from greater distances, adding to the usefulness of the warship. “It was a costly blunder. But the Navy could take victory from the jaws of defeat here, and get some utility out of (the ships) by making them into a hypersonic platform,” said Bryan Clark, a defence analyst at the Hudson Institute. The US has had several types of hypersonic weapons in development for the past two decades, but recent tests by both Russia and China have added pressure to the US military to hasten their production. Hypersonic weapons travel beyond Mach 5, five times the speed of sound, with added manoeuvrability making them harder to shoot down. Last year, The Washington Post newspaper reported that among the documents leaked by former Massachusetts Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira was a defence department briefing that confirmed China had recently tested an intermediate-range hypersonic weapon called the DF-27. While the Pentagon had previously acknowledged the weapon’s development, it had not recognised its testing. One of the US programmes in development and planned for the Zumwalt is the Conventional Prompt Strike. It would launch like a ballistic missile and then release a hypersonic glide vehicle that would travel at speeds seven to eight times faster than the speed of sound before hitting the target. The weapon system is being developed jointly by the Navy and Army. Each of the three Zumwalt-class destroyers would be equipped with four missile tubes, each with three of the missiles for a total of 12 hypersonic weapons per ship. In choosing the Zumwalt, the Navy is attempting to add to the usefulness of a 7.5 billion US dollars (£5.9 billion) warship that is considered by critics to be an expensive mistake despite serving as a test platform for multiple innovations. The Zumwalt was envisioned as providing land-attack capability with an advanced gun system with rocket-assisted projectiles to open the way for Marines to charge ashore. But the system featuring 155mm guns hidden in stealthy turrets was cancelled because each of the rocket-assisted projectiles cost up to one million dollars (£790,000). Despite the stain on their reputation, the three Zumwalt-class destroyers: Zumwalt, Michael Monsoor and Lyndon B Johnson; remain the Navy’s most advanced surface warships in terms of new technologies. Those innovations include electric propulsion, an angular shape to minimise radar signature, an unconventional wave-piercing hull, automated fire and damage control and a composite deckhouse that hides radar and other sensors. The US is accelerating development because hypersonics have been identified as vital to US national security with “survivable and lethal capabilities”, said James Weber, principal director for hypersonics in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies. “Fielding new capabilities that are based on hypersonic technologies is a priority for the defence department to sustain and strengthen our integrated deterrence, and to build enduring advantages,” he said.
Beatrice Annan, a prominent member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has urged party supporters to remain calm, assuring them that the NDC has a clear plan in place in response to the recent Electoral Commission declaration. Annan’s comments came during a panel discussion on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana following the EC’s announcement of 7 out of 9 parliamentary seats being allocated to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) after a coalition. Annan addressed concerns raised by NDC supporters, many of whom reached out for clarification amid growing uncertainty. “I have received numerous calls, messages, and even threats from NDC supporters seeking clarity on the situation. To our supporters and all Ghanaians who voted for us, I want to assure you that the NDC knows exactly what we are doing,” she stated, reinforcing the party’s resolve. She also alluded to comments made by various NPP figures, including Lord Commey, Bryan Acheampong, and President Nana Addo, who had previously hinted at a reluctance to hand over power to the NDC. Annan noted that these individuals, who once boasted of an unwavering hold on power, have now “lowered their shoulders,” signaling a shift in the political atmosphere. Concluding her remarks, Annan emphasized that the NDC’s leadership is prepared with a well-structured plan and urged the party’s supporters to trust in their strategy moving forward.Soulframe shows off a new teaser trailer and a cool giant wolf to hang out with
A look back at 2024 in photosWorld News | Developing Economies Surpass $1 Trillion Mark in Digitally Deliverable Services Exports
What Is The Administrative State?
How money, disadvantage and resources risk holding back our brightest students When Ashton was a toddler, his mother noticed something extraordinary: Her little boy was talking long before other kids his age and his curiosity was off the charts. Soon after turning three Ashton could read and write. He wanted to chat over the complex ideas he read about and his language skills were well and truly up to the task. "Mum was really stimulating me, and all of those things came quite naturally," says Ashton*, recounting trips to museums and behind-the-scenes tours that kept his little brain buzzing. An intelligence test later estimated Ashton's IQ at 149: not quite Australia's " Mozart of maths " Terence Tao, but with the average human clocking in at around 100, Ashton's level of brain power is found in fewer than about one-in-1800 of us, placing his intelligence in the 99.95 percentile. A primary school teacher may encounter a child like Ashton in their classroom only once in a career. But with research showing up to 50 per cent of these high potential, or "gifted", students also underachieve at school, there's another layer to the story of Ashton and kids like him. Most at risk of languishing are those from low socio-economic status families, and gifted programs often still place more boys than girl. What is Australia's obligation to develop the potential of bright students within a stretched education system? Is the system equitable? And what is at stake if their brilliant minds are not cared for in the classroom? What does it mean to be 'gifted'? Humans are remarkably predictable. Cognitive intelligence tests are designed so that scores fall across a symmetrical bell curve with 50 per cent above the benchmark of 100, and 50 per cent below. An IQ score between 85 and 115 is considered average and is reported 68 per cent of the time. This pattern is repeated in the classroom with most students clustering around the centre of the curve. Those on the lower end are likely to need extra help and those at the other are the "bright sparks", the kids who consistently bubble towards the top of the grade. But how should we teach the top 10 per cent, the group considered "high potential", with an IQ above 120? Geraldine Townend, a researcher with UNSW's Gifted Education Research and Resource Information Centre (GERRIC), has spent years looking for the answer. "Everyone has abilities," she says, noting some humans display exceptional capacity in a range of spheres, from art and music, to sport, or emotional and social intelligence as well as intellectual and academic. Townend says academically gifted students learn at a pace and complexity significantly higher and deeper than somebody with an average IQ. Just over four million students are enrolled in schools across Australia. It means as many as 400,000 of them will have a cognitive ability of 120 and above including about 80,000 who have IQs over 130, Townend says. That's higher than 98 per cent of the population. Raising a child with exceptional academic potential, perhaps destined solve the world's most pressing problems, sounds exciting. From Matilda to Young Sheldon , culture and entertainment reflects our fascination with child geniuses. Many parents anticipate the school years will be a breeze. Yet as the stories of Matilda and Sheldon also show, these "gifties" — as they are known among parents who lurk in social media groups seeking out others who understand — often have a difficult school life. In 1955, an American psychology professor described gifted students as the most neglected children in the education system . Almost 70 years later, Townend believes not enough has changed, arguing these top 10 percenters need as much differentiation in learning as a child in the bottom 10 per cent. "If I'm working with a student with an IQ of around 130, they're 30 points above the average. Imagine the speed at which you're capable of learning compared with how things are being taught. Very often these students switch off," Townend says. "Thirteen years of school is a long time to be working at such a different level." But there is a view out there that gifted kids should be left to their own devices, Townend says. The argument goes they have enough brains to sort themselves out, and focusing on these children is elitist when so many others are struggling. In reality, high ability children are at risk of disconnecting from school. The world's most famous dropout is surely Albert Einstein who left high school at 15 without graduating and later wrote: "It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry". Like Einstein, some gifted students leave school having never been recognised by the narrowly focused assessments favoured by educational systems the world over, says Michelle Ronksley-Pavia, a senior lecturer in inclusion and special education at Griffith University. The result is that up to half of gifted students fly under the radar, uninspired and even ignored, they never reach their potential . Some become disruptive, the class clown, and others simply give up: as many as 20 per cent never finish high school and 40 per cent never complete a tertiary degree. Townend goes further. She argues failing to identify gifted children, or leaving them to fend for themselves, is a loss not just to the child but to society. At a time when the world is grappling with complex questions from climate change to pandemics, global conflict and AI, Townend says our brightest students are a resource from where Australia's next generation of scientists, politicians, artists and entrepreneurs could be drawn. What are we doing to find them? Why do so many gifted students underperform? In November, a group of about 300 academics and teachers from across the education sector came together to hear an address from a charming and eccentric 84-year-old Canadian psychologist, Professor Françoys Gagné. For five decades Gagné has been among the world's most influential voices on educating gifted and talented students. His Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT) is used in most Australian states and territories to underpin gifted education policies. Appearing on Zoom from his office in Montreal, with "my feet in my slippers needing just a nice shirt and tie to appear professional", Gagné talked participants through his theory that explains how the development of academic and other skills relates to the interaction between natural ability, chance, personal qualities and the environment in which a child is raised. The symposium — organised by Ronksley-Pavia from Griffith University — heard that high performing students fell into two categories: those with innate intelligence, the gifted, who would receive high marks on an IQ test. And those with high academic performance, the talented, whose skills would return high scores on, for example, a NAPLAN test. Gagné's message: please do not confuse them as the same thing. All gifted students have capacity to be talented, Gagné emphasised. But not all talented students are gifted. In a group of 100 students, 50 gifted and 50 talented, as few as 20 would be both gifted and talented, once again highlighting the large numbers who underachieve. A student with ability but who does not achieve at school should concern Australian parents and educators, Gagné believes. It can be the hallmark of a learning environment that fails to recognise the student's needs , or of a student who has emotionally checked out: less Young Sheldon, more Matt Damon's genius janitor in Good Will Hunting . The goal must be to find gifted students, with a sharp eye for identifying that underachieving cohort, and clear a path for them to develop their talents, Gagné says. Ronksley-Pavia says Australia's education system is deeply rooted in social justice and inclusive education that enshrines the idea no child is left behind. Yet she believes too often that philosophy does not extend to gifted kids. "Truly inclusive education means supporting all learners across the full range of abilities. Talent development is the ultimate goal of gifted education," she says. But there is wider impact, too, when gifted kids underperform. Australia's stagnation — or fall, depending on how you interpret the figures — in international rankings for things like maths, science and literacy could reflect, in part, the fact that that too many gifted students are not reaching their potential and their talents are not being expressed. On the one hand a solution for this underachievement must be found in the classroom: how are gifted children identified, how is their learning differentiated. On the other, research points to an uncomfortable truth: many of those underachievers are from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Researchers are increasingly discovering that high ability but low-SES children are the most likely to miss out on the education they need. Gender stereotypes have an impact too, with girls less likely than boys to be found in classes for gifted children. A study released last week suggests that Australia is also showing a worsening gender gap. Girls have fallen further behind boys in both maths and science subjects with Australia ranked worst among 58 countries. It's about equity, not elitism A child's ease of access to the education they need raises questions that go to the heart of concerns about educational equality in Australia, and makes access to gifted education an issue of equity, not elitism. Children from low-SES areas or from less advantaged backgrounds — including First Nations and refugee students — are at risk of not even being offered opportunities in gifted programs. Research into the subject noted that teachers who are not trained in how to identify gifted students are more likely to recognise it in well-behaved children from a dominant culture and less likely to see it in disadvantaged or minority groups. US research showed smart kids from low-SES areas were less likely to be identified as gifted or nominated for extension programs than equivalent students at schools with average or above SES. And this was true even after controlling for achievement in standardised maths and reading tests. In Australia, education policies are attempting to address these problems and offer guides on how to identify gifted students . But the outcomes are imperfect. Ashton grew up in a low-SES home and knows he could have been one of those statistics: the smart kid who missed out. It was only his mother's relentless advocacy on his behalf that ensured the government schools he attended acted on his potential. However, the solution — to push him faster and faster through the curriculum, joining classes of children much older than he was — came with unanticipated collateral damage that reflects the mental health risks that can emerge when education systems get the balance wrong. But more on that later. Whatever background a child is from, making gifted education policies work in the real world is complex. Part of the reason is that each state and territory approaches it differently — using strategies including selective schools or classes, streaming, enrichment through special projects or excursions and grade skipping specific subjects or entire year groups. The Catholic school system offers the Newman Gifted Program and independent schools typically have capacity and resources to provide a variety of approaches to gifted students that can be individually tailored. The variety of approaches can feel scattered and overwhelming, leaving parents — and kids — wondering what will work best for them while balancing an individual child's social development. Social media groups are full of parents asking anxious questions about how to take the right step forward. Ashton moved between two Australian states seeking the right mix. But there's another problem. Who anoints the smart? While the gifted policies are research-backed using theories like Gagné's DMGT, agreeing on which kids are gifted learners is less straightforward and typically left to individual teachers and principals. Some may be highly trained and motivated, having taken on additional study in gifted education. And states and territories are looking for solutions with updated programs such as in NSW where gifted education is set to be offered at every school. But unlike special needs — which has compulsory units in teacher training — training to identify gifted students is generally not a core part of teacher training in Australia. Through no fault of their own, many teachers have no formal training in the traits of gifted students and how to identify them. However elective units and post-graduate degrees in gifted ed are offered at universities including UNSW and Griffith where Townend and Ronksley-Pavia work. There can be clashes of opinion between educators and families. And while the reasons are vast and can include unrealistic expectations from pushy parents, the result is that comparatively large numbers of gifted children are removed from formal education altogether and homeschooled . It's a story advocates for gifted education interviewed for this story have heard plenty of times before, with many noting that a lack of formal pathways to identify high potential children contributes to a perception of elitism. "What very often happens is a systematic program in a particular school is based on one teacher who may or may not have had training in gifted education and has the enthusiasm and the time to be able to do a load of extra work to deliver a gifted program," says Townend from UNSW. "But when that teacher leaves, the risk is that the programme dies." Until the 1980s primary-aged students were commonly given IQ tests to identify children with exceptional academic potential, and then quietly offered extension opportunities related to their results. There is rightly plenty of scepticism about the ability of IQ tests to capture academic intelligence : cultural biases in testing, particularly towards those who are middle class with Western educations, are well-established. The test environment can be stressful for some. It all adds to the risk of skewed results. Teachers identify gifted children from things like classroom behaviour and standardised test results. The result-focused approach also risks missing the large cohort of gifted kids who underachieve as well as bright kids whose ability is masked by neurodiversity. Some parents send their kids off for a psychometric test administered by a psychologist that can identify high cognitive potential, and also flag neurodiversity. It's relatively common for very bright children to also be neurodivergent , a combination known as Twice Exceptional or 2E. But these tests can cost up to $1500 — another blow to the low-SES kids whose families are unlikely to be able to spend so much to prove their child's capacities. Money makes all the difference You can't talk about gifted education in Australia without talking about selective schools. It is a phenomenon that has exploded in NSW that has a network of 17 competitive entry fully selective high schools, far more than any other state or territory. For example, Queensland has three . They have come to represent what many believe gifted education should be. From a pool of around 16,000 applicants, offers are handed out for just over 4000 places in NSW, including to 27 partially-selective schools, with competition for the most prestigious and high performing of these schools far tougher. Selective schools work on the theory that bright kids are grouped together and challenged with advanced work leading to exceptional exam results. It has similarities with Victoria's Selective Entry Accelerated Learning program (SEAL) but rather than a separate school, these classes are run within a comprehensive high school environment. Students have opportunities to zoom through the curriculum or add depth and complexity even completing university level courses. Victoria also has four selective high schools that take students from years nine-12. Other states and territories have different systems again. Yet the important point is that fierce competition for entry means potential students are often tutored for months and even years before the exams, drilling content and exam technique in order to maximise the chance of gaining a place. Applying Gagné's theory suggests competitive entry schools are not always selecting the brightest children, but the ones who are talented and most successful in learning how to tackle the entry exam. Proponents of gifted education question whether these selective programs are effective in identifying gifted students, particularly those whose response to feeling out of place at school is to underperform. In NSW attempts have been made to change the entry test to reduce the advantage of tutored preparation but whether this will be successful is not yet clear. Of course, some extremely gifted or talented children head in for the test and blitz it with no preparation, but the majority do not. And if you a wondering how much that preparation costs, the answer is a lot. Private tutoring often costs around $100 an hour, or a weekly group lesson at a specialist coaching collage can be $800 and above per 10-week term for one three or four-hour lesson a week. Some kids are tutored for a few months in advance of the test. For others, it's a lifestyle that begins from age three . This outlay is perhaps one of the reasons why students who access competitive entry programs like selective schools or the SEAL program typically come from families in Australia's highest socio-economic bands — even higher on average than students from independent private and Catholic schools. And once again, questions about equity emerge: how can gifted students from low socio-economic families possibly participate? Dr Christina Ho from the University of Technology Sydney is an expert on urban inter-cultural relations with a focus on education. She points out gifted students come from all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds but the way access to selective schools is carried out "may disadvantage some people". "The problem is that gifted and talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds simply don't apply," she says. Stimulating high potential children outside school also comes at a cost: Music lessons (upwards of $35 for a 30-minute weekly lesson); school holiday camps in drama, coding or science ($100 a day). And how this gifted economy works against inclusion for children from low-income families doesn't end there. Better-resourced private schools that have capacity to differentiate curriculum delivery for different abilities come at significant cost. Even low-cost government schools with good reputations can drive demand for housing in the catchment that causes prices to skyrocket . And there can be an emotional cost, too At the heart of all this research and strategy around how best to develop and extend gifted and talented students one voice is often silent: how do the children themselves experience the often high-pressure environment of pursuing academic excellence in 2024? For some it is a game changer, a chance to "find their tribe" and finally flourish and feel like they fit in at school. For others, like Ashton, the social isolation of being extracted from a peer group in pursuit of intellectual challenge came at a cost. Now 27, with a higher degree in science and a job he loves, Ashton says the rapid trajectory of his primary and high school years took a toll on his mental health that continues to affect him. At nine and 10, he was in the classroom with 13-year-olds who didn't welcome his presence. At 15 he had graduated from high school and with a special exemption was at university before he turned 16, studying among adults who were not social peers. Academically he was well-catered for in the end, but Ashton believes now that spending his childhood among much older students harmed his emotional development and left him desperately lonely. "I can't think of a time that I was happy for my entire childhood," he says. He believes his experience should be a warning about what can go wrong when the balance between intellectual and social development fails. "The overriding memory I have of my school years was how isolated I felt from my peers," he says. "I've gained a lot of knowledge and skills, and I do think that I am smart, but that feeling crushes any of the benefits of the advanced learning I was attempted to be given. "The lasting damage and genuine trauma those years inflicted make me concerned about the social cost of what I went through, even though it came from the best intentions." He's not alone. Hannah* is another former child giftie. At 12, she spent one day a week at a different school, in a special class for students whose IQ had been assessed at over 130. "I loved that class. It was creative and off-piste and super engaging. I made great friends," she remembers. "But it made things really awkward for me at my actual school. I got hassled a bit by some kids. I was pretty good at shaking it off, but it did upset me." The experience also possibly impacted other areas of her development. "It amped up the pressure I put on myself," she says. "I burned myself out in high school topping the year every year until Year 10. By the time Year 12 came around I had swung the pendulum too far the other way and cruised through without trying. I regret that I didn't engage fully in the learning but by then I'd rebelled against it." An Australian clinical psychologist who works regularly with gifted students but wants to remain anonymous to protect her patients' privacy, says retaining a peer group is vital for children who are still developing social and emotional maturity. "Skipping grades based on academic achievement alone does feel a bit like a sausage factory," she believes. "I've seen people in the mental health system that have been absolutely scarred by it socially and emotionally." Instead of advancing the curriculum, the psychologist — with personal experience of her own gifted education and that of her children — recommends broadening it out. But importantly she argues this broadening does not have to occur only in a school setting. "You might be able to skip ahead academically but you can't skip ahead in your emotional maturity," she says. "If you skip ahead of your peer group for academic purposes you are missing the richest part of school life, the relationships you form with others and learning about yourself." What works? What might a perfect gifted education look like? Gagné urges schools to move beyond the "age-grade lockstep" that restricts most students to a one-step-per-year learning system even when a gifted student may be capable of learning twice as fast as one with average intelligence. And once again the key is how to spot the underachieving gifties in among the talented over-achievers. In 2016 a group of researchers sifted through 100 years worth of research into the impact of ability grouping and acceleration on academic achievement. They found grouping children into small ability-based teams within their regular class was more effective than grouping kids in separate streamed classes. Even better was what's known as cross-grade subject grouping whereby students of different grade levels are grouped based on achievement rather than age while also retaining links to their age peers. This is the system used by Adelaide's Dara School which has developed cult-like status among certain families searching for a different way to educate their giftie. Some families even move states to access this independent school that accepts students from age five until graduation. "Every child at this school is gifted whereas a lot of other schools have special programs tacked on that cater to gifted students," says Dr Lynda McInnes, the principal and co-founder of Dara that opened in 2017. "There are so many myths about gifted children: they will just learn regardless, you can't accelerate gifted children because it will harm them emotionally," McInnes says. "They actually really need to be with like-minded peers. They need to be nurtured just like any other child. They just need to do it faster." Dara uses standardised testing such as NAPLAN, psychological tests, teacher recommendations and parent insights to screen for entry — a deliberate move away from the competitive entry tests relied on by selective schools. Once accepted, students join classes — mostly taken by teachers with specialised gifted training — based on ability, not age, allowing students to shuffle between year groups and subjects according to which best fits their aptitude. "We'll keep moving the student until they get to a stage where the curriculum is relevant and challenging for them," McInnes says, acknowledging the bespoke nature of the school and complex timetabling only works because it remains very small. Fewer than 100 students attend. While hitting many of the gold standard targets gifted research promotes, how Dara performs over time is yet to be tested. It's most recent NAPLAN results show students performing well above state and national averages, perhaps a sign that these gifted students are also displaying their talents. And of course, as a private school, attending Dara comes at a cost. At just over $7000 a year, Dara is modestly priced compared with some private schools, but it again shows that money and access are everything. Overall, the picture that emerges is that all the research and thoughtful policy in the world can't predict how an individual child will respond. For some, advanced and enriched work is the sweet spot. For others social connection with like minds is the most important goal. Either way educators and parents have their work cut out. And the solution will be as unique as the intriguing minds of the individual children it's designed to serve. *Names have been changed Credits Words and production: Catherine Taylor Illustrations: Gabrielle Flood and Lindsay Dunbar ABCPhillies have no plans to start pitching prospect Andrew Painter in spring training following injury
Hezbollah fired into a disputed border zone held by Israel on Monday after multiple Israeli strikes inside Lebanon since a ceasefire took hold last week. The militant group said the volley, its first during the truce, was a warning shot in response to what it called repeated Israeli violations . Israeli leaders threatened to retaliate, and within hours, Israel’s military carried out a string of strikes in southern Lebanon, state media reported. There was no immediate word on casualties or what was struck. Israel has said its strikes in since the ceasefire began Wednesday have been in response to unspecified Hezbollah violations, and that under the truce deal it reserves the right to retaliate. Hezbollah began launching its attacks in solidarity with Hamas militants who are fighting Israel in the Gaza Strip. The war in Gaza began when Hamas-led militants stormed into southern Israel, killing some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking around 250 people hostage . Israel’s blistering retaliatory offensive has killed at least 44,429 Palestinians , more than half of them women and children, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which does not say how many of the dead were combatants. Israel says it has killed over 17,000 militants, without providing evidence. The war in Gaza has destroyed vast areas of the coastal enclave and displaced 90% of the population of 2.3 million, often multiple times . Here’s the Latest: WASHINGTON — U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is demanding the immediate release of Israeli hostages still being held in Gaza, saying that if they are not freed before he is sworn into office for a second term there will be “HELL TO PAY.” “Please let this TRUTH serve to represent that if the hostages are not released prior to January 20, 2025, the date that I proudly assume Office as President of the United States, there will be ALL HELL TO PAY in the Middle East, and for those in charge who perpetrated these atrocities against Humanity,” Trump wrote in a post on his Truth Social site . He added that, “Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied History of the United States of America. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!” It was not immediately clear whether Trump was threatening to directly involve the U.S. military in Israel’s ongoing campaign against Hamas in Gaza. Trump allies have said he hopes there will be a ceasefire and hostage release deal before he returns to office early next year. The war in Gaza began when Hamas-led militants stormed into southern Israel, killing some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking around 250 people hostage on Oct. 7, 2023. Some 100 are still held inside Gaza , around two-thirds believed to be alive. WASHINGTON — Senior American officials have had conversations with Israelis to raise questions about some of the strikes they have carried out against Hezbollah since a ceasefire went into place but have not found the Israelis to be in gross violation of the terms of the ceasefire, according to a U.S. official familiar with the matter. The official, who was not authorized to comment publicly about the sensitive conversations with the Israelis, said those conversations were part of a mechanism that was created to ensure that ceasefire agreement is implemented. “This is that mechanism working,” the official added. White House national security spokesman John Kirby on Monday that “largely speaking the ceasefire is holding.” “We’ve gone from, you know dozens of strikes, you know, down to one a day maybe two a day,” Kirby told told reporters aboard Air Force One as President Joe Biden made his way for a visit to Angola. “That’s a tremendous, tremendous reduction. And we’re going to keep trying and see what we can do to get it down to zero so that both sides are fully implementing it. But, this is, this is the only it’s only a, a week or so old.” — By Aamer Madhani JERUSALEM — Hezbollah fired into a disputed border zone held by Israel on Monday, the militant group’s first attack since its ceasefire with Israel took hold last week, after Lebanon accused Israel of violating the truce more than 50 times in recent days. The Israeli military said two projectiles were launched toward Mount Dov, a disputed Israeli-held territory known as Shebaa Farms in Lebanon, where the borders of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel meet. Israel said the projectiles fell in open areas and no injuries were reported. Hezbollah said in a statement that it fired on an Israeli military position in the area as a “defensive and warning response” after what it called “repeated violations” of the ceasefire deal by Israel. It said complaints to mediators tasked with monitoring the ceasefire “were futile in stopping these violations.” The U.S.- and French-brokered ceasefire came into effect on Wednesday calling for a 60-day halt in fighting, aiming to end more than a year of exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and Israel. Since then, Israel has carried out a number of strikes in Lebanon, most recently on Monday, when a drone strike killed a man on a motorcycle in southern Lebanon and another hit a Lebanese army bulldozer in the northeastern town of Hermel, wounding a soldier. The Lebanese army had stayed on the sidelines of the war between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel says the strikes are in response to Hezbollah violations of the ceasefire, without giving specifics. BEIRUT — Lebanon’s parliament speaker on Monday accused Israel of committing 54 breaches of the ceasefire that ended the war between Hezbollah and Israel, demanding urgent intervention to halt what he called “flagrant violations.” Speaking to the Lebanese newspaper Al Joumhouria, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri condemned Israel’s “aggressive actions,” including the alleged demolition of homes in border villages, the persistent overflight of Israeli reconnaissance drones, and airstrikes that have caused casualties. The Israeli military did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Berri’s assertions. Israel says it reserves the right under the ceasefire deal to respond to perceived ceasefire violations. An Israeli drone strike on Monday hit a Lebanese army military bulldozer in the northeastern town of Hermel, wounding a soldier, the Lebanese army said in a statement. Also on Monday, an Israeli drone strike targeting a motorcycle in Jdeidet Marjayoun in southern Lebanon killed one person, the Lebanese Health Ministry said. In Bint Jbeil province, a drone strike injured one person, the state-run National News Agency said. On Saturday, two people were killed in an airstrike on Marjayoun province, Lebanon’s state media said. Berri called on the technical committee established to monitor the ceasefire to take immediate action, urging it to “oblige Israel to halt its violations and withdraw from Lebanese territories without delay.” He said that Lebanon and Hezbollah have fully adhered to the terms of the ceasefire since the early hours of Wednesday. Berri is the leader of the Shiite Amal movement, which is closely allied with the Shiite militant group Hezbollah. BEIRUT — Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency said Monday one person was killed in an Israeli drone strike that hit a motorcycle, while the Lebanese army said that a soldier was wounded in an Israeli strike on a military bulldozer at an army base. The Israeli military said that it carried out a series of strikes in Lebanon on Sunday and Monday, including one in the same area where the soldier was said to have been wounded. It said it struck several military vehicles in Lebanon’s Bekaa province as well as strikes on Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon. The incidents underscored the fragility of a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hezbollah reached after nearly 14 months of cross-border fighting. Since the ceasefire went into effect on Wednesday, Israel has struck several times in response to what it says have been ceasefire violations by Hezbollah. Lebanon has accused Israel of violating the deal but so far Hezbollah has not resumed its rocket fire. Israeli Foreign Minister Gideon Saar on Monday rejected accusations that Israel is violating the tenuous ceasefire agreement, saying it was responding to Hezbollah violations. In a post on X, Saar said that he made that point in a call with his French counterpart, Jean-Noël Barrot. France, along with the U.S., helped broker the deal and is part of an international monitoring committee meant to ensure the sides uphold their commitments. Israel says that it reserves the right under the deal to respond to perceived ceasefire violations. TEL AVIV, Israel — The Israeli military said Monday an Israeli American soldier who was believed to have been taken hostage alive on Oct. 7, 2023, is now presumed to have been killed during Hamas’ attack and his body taken into Gaza. Neutra, 21, was a New York native who enlisted in the Israeli military and was captured when Hamas attacked southern Israel. Neutra’s parents, Ronen and Orna, led a public campaign while he was thought to be alive for their son’s freedom. They spoke at protests in the U.S. and Israel, addressed the Republican National Convention this year and kept up ties with the Biden administration in their crusade to secure their son’s release. In a statement announcing the death, the military did not say how it came to the conclusion over Neutra’s fate. He was one of seven American Israelis still held in Gaza, four of whom are now said to be dead. Hamas released a video of one, Edan Alexander, over the weekend, indicating he was still alive. In late summer, Israel said Hamas killed Hersh Goldberg-Polin , another prominent Israeli American hostage, along with five other captives, whose bodies the Israeli military recovered. The war in Gaza began when Hamas-led militants stormed into southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, killing some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking around 250 hostage. Some 100 captives are still held inside Gaza , around two-thirds believed to be alive. Iraqi militias supported by Iran deployed in Syria on Monday to back the government’s counteroffensive against a surprise advance by insurgents who seized the largest city of Aleppo, a militia official and a war monitor said. Insurgents led by jihadi group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham launched a two-pronged attack on Aleppo last week and the countryside around Idlib before moving toward neighboring Hama province. Government troops built a fortified defensive line in northern Hama in an attempt to stall the insurgents’ momentum while jets on Sunday pounded rebel-held lines. Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi met with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus Sunday and announced Tehran’s full support for his government. He later arrived for talks in Ankara, Turkey, one of the rebels' main backers. Iran has been of Assad’s principal political and military supporters and deployed military advisers and forces after 2011 protests against Assad’s rule turned into an all-out war. Tehran-backed Iraqi militias already in Syria mobilized and additional forces crossed the border to support them, said the Iraqi militia official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. According to Britain-based opposition war monitor the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, some 200 Iraqi militiamen on pickups crossed into Syria overnight through the strategic Bou Kamal. They were expected to deploy in Aleppo to support the Syrian army’s pushback against the insurgents, the monitor said. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — U.S. Navy destroyers shot down seven missiles and drones fired by Yemen’s Houthi rebels at the warships and three American merchant vessels they were escorting through the Gulf of Aden. No damage or injuries were reported. U.S. Central Command said late Sunday that the destroyers USS Stockdale and USS O’Kane shot down and destroyed three anti-ship ballistic missiles, three drones and one anti-ship cruise missile. The merchant ships were not identified. The Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement and said they had targeted the U.S. destroyers and “three supply ships belonging to the American army in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden.” Houthi attacks for months have targeted shipping through a waterway where $1 trillion in goods pass annually over the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza and Israel’s ground offensive in Lebanon. A ceasefire was announced in Lebanon last week. The USS Stockdale was involved in a similar attack on Nov. 12 . Read more of the AP's coverage of the Middle East wars: Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.
The US Navy is to transform three, white elephant, stealth destroyers by fitting them with first-of-their-kind shipborne hypersonic weapons. The USS Zumwalt is at a Mississippi shipyard where workers have installed missile tubes that replace twin turrets from a gun system that was never activated because it was too expensive. Once the system is complete, the Zumwalt will provide a platform for conducting fast, precision strikes from greater distances, adding to the usefulness of the warship. “It was a costly blunder. But the Navy could take victory from the jaws of defeat here, and get some utility out of (the ships) by making them into a hypersonic platform,” said Bryan Clark, a defence analyst at the Hudson Institute. The US has had several types of hypersonic weapons in development for the past two decades, but recent tests by both Russia and China have added pressure to the US military to hasten their production. Hypersonic weapons travel beyond Mach 5, five times the speed of sound, with added manoeuvrability making them harder to shoot down. Last year, The Washington Post newspaper reported that among the documents leaked by former Massachusetts Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira was a defence department briefing that confirmed China had recently tested an intermediate-range hypersonic weapon called the DF-27. While the Pentagon had previously acknowledged the weapon’s development, it had not recognised its testing. One of the US programmes in development and planned for the Zumwalt is the Conventional Prompt Strike. It would launch like a ballistic missile and then release a hypersonic glide vehicle that would travel at speeds seven to eight times faster than the speed of sound before hitting the target. The weapon system is being developed jointly by the Navy and Army. Each of the three Zumwalt-class destroyers would be equipped with four missile tubes, each with three of the missiles for a total of 12 hypersonic weapons per ship. In choosing the Zumwalt, the Navy is attempting to add to the usefulness of a 7.5 billion US dollars (£5.9 billion) warship that is considered by critics to be an expensive mistake despite serving as a test platform for multiple innovations. The Zumwalt was envisioned as providing land-attack capability with an advanced gun system with rocket-assisted projectiles to open the way for Marines to charge ashore. But the system featuring 155mm guns hidden in stealthy turrets was cancelled because each of the rocket-assisted projectiles cost up to one million dollars (£790,000). Despite the stain on their reputation, the three Zumwalt-class destroyers: Zumwalt, Michael Monsoor and Lyndon B Johnson; remain the Navy’s most advanced surface warships in terms of new technologies. Those innovations include electric propulsion, an angular shape to minimise radar signature, an unconventional wave-piercing hull, automated fire and damage control and a composite deckhouse that hides radar and other sensors. The US is accelerating development because hypersonics have been identified as vital to US national security with “survivable and lethal capabilities”, said James Weber, principal director for hypersonics in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies. “Fielding new capabilities that are based on hypersonic technologies is a priority for the defence department to sustain and strengthen our integrated deterrence, and to build enduring advantages,” he said.Hoops star Nurse joins Athletes Unlimited aiming to rebound from ‘rocky’ two yearsCINCINNATI (AP) — The Cincinnati Bengals have found all manner of ways to lose close games this season. Sunday's 44-38 loss to AFC North rival Pittsburgh can be blamed on a defense that missed tackles and allowed 520 yards of offense, and three turnovers by Joe Burrow. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings.
Ange Postecoglou searching for answers over Tottenham’s injury crisisUS to transform white elephant destroyers by fitting hypersonic weapons
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DEAN McCullough and Ant McPartlin came face-to-face on I'm A Celebrity tonight after fans said they spotted a feud between them. Radio 1 DJ Dean has done several dreaded Bushtucker Trials - therefore spending a lot of time with Ant and Dec. 4 Ant McPartlin came face to face with Dean McCullough again Credit: Erotreme 4 Radio DJ Dean has done several Bushtucker Trials to date Credit: Eroteme 4 Danny and Dean faced another disgusting trial Credit: ITV In tonight's (November 22) episode, Dean and McFly star Danny Jones took on the latest trial, High Street Of Horrors. Shortly after their arrival, Ant acknowledged past tension between the two. He told the celebrity campmate: "Dean, I'm not angry anymore, I'm just disappointed." The trial itself comprised three shops, each containing a number of stars to win for camp. Read more on I'm A Celeb GUT PUNCH I'm A Celeb's Dean in swipe at Ant in awkward moment as he quits another trial Ant’s Wrath Ant McPartlin SLAMS 'useless' Dean McCullough after he loses another trial Overall, the objective was to locate all of them within the allotted time for their shopping spree. The first stop, Grim Grocers had three stars on offer with three minutes to find them. Danny, in his eagerness, tripped over when the klaxon sounded. In their effort, the duo won a total of eight stars for camp altogether. Most read in I’m A Celebrity 2024 'FIGHTER' Tulisa's ex makes surprise admission about her changing face amid heath battles FAMILIAR FACE Maura Higgins breaks her silence on awkwardly sharing a camp with ex’s dad Mum's the word Inside I'm A Celeb star Tulisa's turbulent relationship with mum beaten down I’m A Celeb’s Sam Thompson begs producers to check on 'missing’ campmate At the same time, new additions Reverend Richard Coles and Maura Higgins continued their deceit of the main camp. Arriving before Danny and Dean, they pretended to have already done the trial miserably - winning no stars. Fuming Dean McCullough takes a swipe at Ant in awkward moment after he QUITS another I'm A Celeb Bushtucker Trial Reverend Richard joked: “I’m really consumed with guilt!” A twist after the trial saw Dean go back to the Junkyard with Maura and Reverend Richard. Ant previously addressed the "feud" with Dean during Thursday's episode of ITV2 spin-off show Unpacked. The star admitted he was "annoyed" at the DJ for screaming 'I'm A Celeb' and quitting the task early - and being "unprofessional" in how he dealt with it. He said: "My annoyance came across on screen and it was quite unprofessional and I'm not happy about it." Dec sarcastically responded "I think you hid it quite well, Ant...I think you hid it quite well." Ant went on: "You get to the point when you think 'what are you doing?'" Taking to social media, viewers at home shared their observations. I'm A Celebrity 2024 i'm A Celebrity is back for its 24th series, with a batch of famous faces living in the Aussie jungle. The Sun's Jake Penkethman takes a look at the stars on the show this year.. Coleen Rooney - Arguably the most famous name in the camp, the leading WAG, known for her marriage to Wayne Rooney , has made a grand return to TV as she looks to put the Wagatha Christie scandal behind her. The Sun revealed the mum-of-four had bagged an eye-watering deal worth over £1.5million to be on the show this year making her the highest-paid contestant ever. Tulisa - The popstar and former X Factor judge has made her triumphant TV comeback by signing up to this year's I'm A Celeb after shunning TV shows for many years. Known for being a member of the trio, N-Dubz, Tulisa became a household name back in 2011 when she signed on to replace Cheryl on ITV show The X Factor in a multi-million pound deal. Alan Halsall - The actor, known for playing the long-running role of Tyrone Dobbs on ITV soap opera Coronation Street, was originally signed up to head Down Under last year but an operation threw his scheduled appearance off-course. Now he has become the latest Corrie star to win over both the viewers and his fellow celebrities. Melvin Odoom - The Radio DJ has become a regular face on TV screens after rising to fame with presenting roles on Kiss FM, BBC Radio 1 and 4Music. Melvin has already been for a spin on the Strictly dancefloor and co-hosted The Xtra Factor with Rochelle Humes in 2015 but now he is facing up to his biggest challenge yet - the Aussie jungle . GK Barry - The UK's biggest social media personality, GK, whose real name is Grace Keeling, has transformed her TikTok stardom into a lucrative career. Aside from her popular social media channels, she hosts the weekly podcast, Saving Grace, and regularly appears on ITV talk show, Loose Women. She has even gone on to endorse popular brands such as PrettyLittleThing, KFC and Ann Summers. Dean McCullough - A rising star amongst this year's bunch of celebs , Dean first achieved notability through his radio appearances on Gaydio and BBC Radio 1. He was chosen to join the BBC station permanently in 2021 and has featured prominently ever since. He has enjoyed a crossover to ITV over the past year thanks to his guest slots on Big Brother spin-off show, Late & Live. Oti Mabuse - The pro dancer has signed up to her latest TV show after making her way through the biggest programmes on the box. She originally found fame on Strictly Come Dancing but has since branched out into the world of TV judging with appearances on former BBC show The Greatest Dancer as well as her current role on ITV's Dancing On Ice . Danny Jones - The McFly star was drafted into the programme last minute as a replacement for Tommy Fury. Danny is the second member of McFly to enter the jungle , after Dougie Poynter won the show in 2011. He is also considered a rising star on ITV as he's now one of the mentors on their Saturday night talent show, The Voice , along with bandmate Tom Fletcher. Jane Moore - The Loose Women star and The Sun columnist is braving the creepy crawlies this year. The star is ready for a new challenge - having recently split from her husband . It will be Jane's first foray into reality TV with the telly favourite having always said no to reality shows in the past. Barry McGuigan - Former pro boxer Barry is the latest fighting champ to head Down Under following in the footsteps of Tony Bellew and Amir Khan. It comes after a tough few years for Irish star Barry, who lost his daughter Danika to bowel cancer . He told The Late Late Show in 2021: "She was such an intrinsic part of the family that every day we ache." Maura Higgins - The Irish TV beauty first found fame on Love Island where she found a brief connection with dancer Curtis Pritchard . Since then, she has competed on Dancing On Ice as well as hosting the Irish version of the beauty contest, Glow Up. Since last year, she has been working on building up her career in the US by being the social media correspondent and host of Aftersun to accompany Love Island USA. She even guest hosted an episode of the spin-off, Love Island Games, in place of Maya Jama last year. Rev. Richard Coles - Former BBC radio host the Rev Richard Coles is a late arrival on I’m A Celebrity , and he's ready to spill the beans on his former employer. The former Communards and Strictly star , said the BBC did not know its a**e from its elbow last year. An insider said: "Rev Coles will have a variety of tales to tell from his wild days as a pop star in the Eighties, through to performing on Strictly and his later life as a man of the cloth." One wrote on X: “im not angry” “im just disappointed” ant is so fed up with dean." Another added: "dying at how obvious it is that ant cannot stand dean." Read more on the Scottish Sun COMIC'S CASTLE Still Game star takes £150,000 hit to offload luxury £4m Scots castle HITTING THE HIGH NOTES Much-loved pub named best music bar in Scotland While a third commented: "Ant & Dec absolutely despise Dean don’t they #ImACeleb." I'm A Celebrity continues on ITV1 and ITVX. 4 Dean didn't looked impressed Credit: ITVCurrently, the New Orleans Pelicans (4-16) have six players on the injury report, including Brandon Ingram, in their matchup with the New York Knicks (11-8) at Madison Square Garden on Sunday, December 1 at 6:00 PM ET. The Knicks have two players on the injury report. Watch the NBA, other live sports and more on Fubo. What is Fubo? Fubo is a streaming service that gives you access to your favorite live sports and shows on demand. Use our link to sign up for a free trial. Their last time out, the Knicks won on Friday 99-98 against the Hornets. Jalen Brunson scored a team-leading 31 points for the Knicks in the win. The Pelicans are coming off of a 120-109 loss to the Grizzlies in their last game on Friday. CJ McCollum scored 30 points in the Pelicans’ loss, leading the team. Sign up for NBA League Pass to get live and on-demand access to NBA games. Get tickets for any NBA game this season at StubHub. 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Joe Burrow is no longer talking about the playoffs after another loss by the high-scoring BengalsInfluencer Dominique Brown dies at 34 as shocking claim emerges
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The right frame can freeze a moment in time, creating meaning for the masses from a , a , towns , and a victory sealed with an . In 2024, photographers across the U.S. captured glimpses of humanity, ranging from a deeply divisive , to hurricanes and that ravaged communities, to over the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The gallery from The Associated Press illustrates a new chapter of political history — the assassination attempt on former President , the moment President Joe Biden announced he , the campaign sprint by Vice President Kamala Harris in Biden’s place, and the raw emotion from during a grueling contest ultimately . Hurricanes whipped through the country with devastating imagery, leaving a path of wreckage and death from to . After Hurricane , in North Carolina was shown in a jarring photo covered in shards of debris thick enough to hide the surface of the water. Hurricane ripped apart the roof of in St. Petersburg, Florida, home to Major League Baseball’s Tampa Bay Rays. The scale of destruction experienced in some corners of the country in 2024 was hard to capture and might have been harder to fathom. That was the case when a container ship slammed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing it to collapse and crumple around the vessel, on the bridge. As flames , another image captured firefighters and sheriff’s deputies pushing a vintage car away from a burning home. , one photo is aglow with bright orange flames, broken up only by the subtle features of an animal running through them. But hope also persevered in the face of devastation. In , an image from Crystal River, Florida, shows Dustin Holmes holding hands with his girlfriend, Hailey Morgan, as they sloshed through floodwaters with her 4- and 7-year-old children to return to their flooded home. And in Manasota Key, Florida, a family was lit up by the glow of flashlights as they walked to check on their home damaged by Milton. Other photos from 2024 also grabbed the darkness and shadows to emphasize light: among them, a and a total solar . And, yes, eclipse glasses were back in style for a shared moment of skygazing. But many other photos delivered a blast of color, from the spectrum of the northern lights to a crew of workers wading into the deep-red of a Massachusetts . And, once again, captured the country’s attention, even as a part of the crowd. She rushed down from the stands to kiss her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, after the Chiefs , en route to win.Phillies have no plans to start pitching prospect Andrew Painter in spring training following injury
A drugs factory has been dismantled in a quiet South Yorkshire town by eagle-eyed officers. The factory, based in commercial premises in Thorne, was raided after South Yorkshire Police received information, which led to the discovery of the £250,000 drugs factory. Using a chainsaw to cut through two metal roller shutters, officers were able to access the cannabis cultivation inside. The force says 235 plants in total was found alongside a drying room which contained around £20,000 worth of cannabis. A spokesperson said: "The premises was divided into eight growing rooms spread across two floors, with a living quarter comprising of a single bed, toiletries, a stove for cooking and a well-stocked fridge." One man was arrested at the scene in the town centre after being seen exiting through the roof. He has since been charged with being concerned in the production of a controlled class B drug. Doncaster East Neighbourhood Policing Team Inspector Alison Carr said: "This was a significant cannabis cultivation and evidence shows these grows are linked to organised crime groups who have absolutely no place in our society. "They are responsible for spreading fear, violence and terror in our communities, and by disrupting their supply of drugs, which funds further criminal activities, we can limit their influence and dismantle their operations. "These cannabis cultivations are also linked to modern slavery, as they are known to exploit vulnerable people who are forced to commit to looking after these grows. "That is another reason why we need people to keep reporting any suspicions they have around cannabis grows to police so we can act and deliver justice." Get all the latest big and breaking Yorkshire news straight to your mobile via WhatsApp by clicking here . If you don’t like our community, you can leave any time. We also treat members to special offers, promotions, and adverts from us and our partners. Read our privacy notice here .Photographers captured a deeply divisive election, hurricanes and fires, and campus protests. Subscribe to continue reading this article. Already subscribed? To login in, click here.The USS Zumwalt is at a Mississippi shipyard where workers have installed missile tubes that replace twin turrets from a gun system that was never activated because it was too expensive. Once the system is complete, the Zumwalt will provide a platform for conducting fast, precision strikes from greater distances, adding to the usefulness of the warship. “It was a costly blunder. But the Navy could take victory from the jaws of defeat here, and get some utility out of (the ships) by making them into a hypersonic platform,” said Bryan Clark, a defence analyst at the Hudson Institute. The US has had several types of hypersonic weapons in development for the past two decades, but recent tests by both Russia and China have added pressure to the US military to hasten their production. Hypersonic weapons travel beyond Mach 5, five times the speed of sound, with added manoeuvrability making them harder to shoot down. Last year, The Washington Post newspaper reported that among the documents leaked by former Massachusetts Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira was a defence department briefing that confirmed China had recently tested an intermediate-range hypersonic weapon called the DF-27. While the Pentagon had previously acknowledged the weapon’s development, it had not recognised its testing. One of the US programmes in development and planned for the Zumwalt is the Conventional Prompt Strike. It would launch like a ballistic missile and then release a hypersonic glide vehicle that would travel at speeds seven to eight times faster than the speed of sound before hitting the target. The weapon system is being developed jointly by the Navy and Army. Each of the three Zumwalt-class destroyers would be equipped with four missile tubes, each with three of the missiles for a total of 12 hypersonic weapons per ship. In choosing the Zumwalt, the Navy is attempting to add to the usefulness of a 7.5 billion US dollars (£5.9 billion) warship that is considered by critics to be an expensive mistake despite serving as a test platform for multiple innovations. The Zumwalt was envisioned as providing land-attack capability with an advanced gun system with rocket-assisted projectiles to open the way for Marines to charge ashore. But the system featuring 155mm guns hidden in stealthy turrets was cancelled because each of the rocket-assisted projectiles cost up to one million dollars (£790,000). Despite the stain on their reputation, the three Zumwalt-class destroyers: Zumwalt, Michael Monsoor and Lyndon B Johnson; remain the Navy’s most advanced surface warships in terms of new technologies. Those innovations include electric propulsion, an angular shape to minimise radar signature, an unconventional wave-piercing hull, automated fire and damage control and a composite deckhouse that hides radar and other sensors. The US is accelerating development because hypersonics have been identified as vital to US national security with “survivable and lethal capabilities”, said James Weber, principal director for hypersonics in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies. “Fielding new capabilities that are based on hypersonic technologies is a priority for the defence department to sustain and strengthen our integrated deterrence, and to build enduring advantages,” he said.
Beatrice Annan, a prominent member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has urged party supporters to remain calm, assuring them that the NDC has a clear plan in place in response to the recent Electoral Commission declaration. Annan’s comments came during a panel discussion on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana following the EC’s announcement of 7 out of 9 parliamentary seats being allocated to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) after a coalition. Annan addressed concerns raised by NDC supporters, many of whom reached out for clarification amid growing uncertainty. “I have received numerous calls, messages, and even threats from NDC supporters seeking clarity on the situation. To our supporters and all Ghanaians who voted for us, I want to assure you that the NDC knows exactly what we are doing,” she stated, reinforcing the party’s resolve. She also alluded to comments made by various NPP figures, including Lord Commey, Bryan Acheampong, and President Nana Addo, who had previously hinted at a reluctance to hand over power to the NDC. Annan noted that these individuals, who once boasted of an unwavering hold on power, have now “lowered their shoulders,” signaling a shift in the political atmosphere. Concluding her remarks, Annan emphasized that the NDC’s leadership is prepared with a well-structured plan and urged the party’s supporters to trust in their strategy moving forward.Soulframe shows off a new teaser trailer and a cool giant wolf to hang out with