
The hills are alive. Anaconda residents won’t hear nuns singing from the slopes of A-Hill or C-Hill. Yet they might savor a songbird’s serenade or a mule deer fawn's bleats and bawls as the animals find cover in recently-rooted shrubs and trees. A current document from the state’s Natural Resource Damage Program describes the recovery of vegetation and wildlife habitat in the landmark hills above Anaconda — a revival aided and abetted by the copper smelter’s closing in 1980, by human toil since then and the passage of time. Both the vegetation and Anaconda have begun to thrive in recent years. The Natural Resource Damage Program, or NRDP, aims to restore vegetation and other natural resources lost to pollution from more than 100 years of toxic smelter emissions. It’s all part of the federal Superfund process that guides remediation and restoration. NRDP’s mission also includes addressing a century of lost recreational opportunities. The program has funds available toward that end reached in a 2008 settlement with Atlantic Richfield. Enter the Anaconda-Deer Lodge County Open Lands Plan. Adopted in early 2024, the 142-page plan reports, “The Anaconda community prioritizes the development of a comprehensive, interconnected multi-use trail system that caters to various activities and skill levels.” Enter the Anaconda Trail Society, a nonprofit with about 100 active members. It has proposed creating a recreational trail that would link Birch Street in east Anaconda to the Sunnyside area in west Anaconda. As envisioned, the 3.5-mile non-motorized trail would serve walkers, hikers, bicyclists and, possibly, riders on horseback. On Monday, Emily Adams, president of the Anaconda Trail Society, described the proposed path as a single-track trail. Some accounts of single-track trails describe them as being only as wide as a mountain bike. American Trails reports that a single-track mountain bike trail is typically between 12 inches and 30 inches wide. Adams said the Birch to Sunnyside trail would likely be 36 inches to 48 inches wide. She said a hiker or biker might need to step aside to let the other pass. Signage would explain and encourage trail etiquette, Adams said, and the proposed trail’s comparatively even grade would not enable cyclists to come barreling around curves. Anaconda-Deer Lodge County is poised to purchase the A-Hill property with $200,000 in NRDP funds. The city-county already owns acreage on C-Hill. As a result, as envisioned, the trail would travel across Anaconda-Deer Lodge County property. A 2008 Consent Decree with Atlantic Richfield/BP provided about $13.3 million to the state for natural resource damages suffered by pollution-impacted lands on Stucky Ridge, Smelter Hill and the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area. An Anaconda Uplands Restoration Plan prepared by NRDP specified that up to $4 million could be used for restoration on lands owned by Anaconda-Deer Lodge County. In April 2023, NRDP celebrated the completed cleanup of state lands on Stucky Ridge and within portions of the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area east and south of Anaconda. Last month, NRDP published an amendment to the Anaconda Uplands Restoration Plan. Among other things, it provides a recommendation about how to divvy up that $4 million between restoration activities such as ecological restoration, wildlife habitat restoration or recreational restoration. NRDP has proposed allocating $1.9 million for recreation projects. The program suggests that development of trail networks, trailheads and signage on A-Hill and C-Hill — trails designed to serve multiple user groups — could be considered an appropriate restoration action. The Anaconda Trail Society would hire professional trail designers and builders if funding becomes available through NRDP, grants or some combination. As proposed, it would partner with Anaconda-Deer Lodge County to collaborate on planning, developing, monitoring and maintaining trail segments. The city-county could also assist with matching costs for potential grant awards and provide other support. Adams said a properly designed and built dirt trail, with water bars and other features to reduce erosion, should need little maintenance. County commissioners for Anaconda-Deer Lodge County were scheduled to review a related memorandum of understanding during the board’s Tuesday night meeting. As envisioned, the connection between Birch Street and Sunnyside Road would be “a leisurely, groomed trail” with a grade below 12%, Adams said. The community could access the trail at Birch Street, Sheep Gulch, 7 Street, Walnut Street, Willow Street and Sunnyside Road. During a Nov. 26 meeting of commissioners for Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Adams said the trail would yield community, social and health benefits. She noted too that studies have demonstrated that trails provide economic benefits to communities. Meeting minutes from Nov. 26 show that Commissioner Ed Beaudette expressed concerns about including horses on the trail and whether it would be wheelchair accessible. Adams said the trail would not be wheelchair accessible and it’s not yet clear whether horses would be appropriate. NRDP’s proposed amendment to the Anaconda Uplands Restoration Plan cites reforestation efforts dating back to 1940. It references work by Bob Andreozzi, now retired as a forester for the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and others for shepherding years of conifer and shrubs planting around Anaconda, as well as ambitious Arbor Day plantings. NRDP notes also that in some areas, lands owned by Anaconda-Deer Lodge County are returning to baseline conditions — as in, conditions prior to pollution — “without the expenditure of remedy or restoration funds.” Ray Vinkey, an environmental scientist for NRDP, said no Anaconda Uplands money has been spent to date on recreation.
What time is BYU vs Colorado and where to watch the 2024 Alamo Bowl game?HANOI: It will take a monumental effort if Singapore are to make their first ASEAN Championship final since 2012. The Lions are down two goals against a side unbeaten in this edition of the tournament. They'll have to reverse the deficit in front of a vociferous Vietnamese crowd at the Viet Tri Stadium in Phu Tho province on Sunday (Dec 29). History doesn't favour the Lions either - they have not triumphed over Vietnam in a competitive fixture since 1998. But they are keeping the faith. "Everybody was angry and frustrated because we lost the game in Singapore," said midfielder Kyoga Nakamura at a pre-match press conference on Saturday, referring to the first leg of the semi-finals on Thursday. The recently naturalised Singaporean was suspended for the game after accumulating two yellow cards in the group stage. "But it is a very good thing (to have such emotions) ... We have very good energy to change some things. We will use these emotions to play a good game," he added. On Thursday, two late goals in the depths of stoppage time saw the Lions fall in the first leg of the ASEAN Championship semi-finals , which means they will need to win by a margin of three goals to progress. The away goals rule does not feature in the tournament, which means that a two-goal victory for Singapore will result in extra time. A controversial penalty from Nguyen Tien Linh in the 101st minute and a strike from naturalised Brazilian Rafaelson, now known as Nguyen Xuan Son, three minutes later gave Vietnam the victory. The late penalty decision came after defender Shakir Hamzah was adjudged to have handled in the penalty box, but it seemed as if Shakir had been pushed by Nguyen Xuan Son. "The decisions from the referee were not within our control. Now that game is over, we look forward to the ‘second half’ of the game," said midfielder Hami Syahin. "It’s hard to lose with a performance where we think we did well ... It’s definitely disappointing but we know that we’ve got a job to do in Vietnam and the boys believe we can do it." Speaking to CNA in the aftermath of the defeat, former Lions goalkeeper Hassan Sunny said that Singapore had done well for most of the match. "We were a bit demoralised after the first goal and the sucker punch came right towards the end of the game," said Hassan, who announced his retirement from international football earlier this year. BEING MENTALLY STRONG With the crowd behind their opponents and the first leg result against them, the Lions need to be mentally strong, explained skipper Hariss Harun. And the team's performances throughout the tournament have shown that they can mix it with the best, said Hami. "We know that we can play, we know that we can hurt teams. It’s a matter of taking our chances in this kind of competition," he explained. Echoing similar sentiments, experienced custodian Hassan pointed out that the semi-final is far from over. "It’s not over yet. We still have another 90 minutes to play. I’m sure the boys will bounce back," he said. "The belief they had is not for 90 minutes. The belief they had is for 180 minutes ... Football is a game of surprise(s) and we’ll hope to see some surprises in the next one." Prior to Thursday's first leg, Vietnam had topped Group B with three wins and a draw. The Lions finished second in Group A with two wins, a draw and a defeat to Thailand. The winner of the semi-finals will take on either Thailand or the Philippines in the final. Underdogs Philippines beat the defending champions 2-1 in the first leg and hold a slender advantage going into Monday’s reverse fixture in Bangkok. "It’s a difficult job, but it’s not an impossible job," said Hami of Sunday's match, which takes place at 9pm Singapore time. "We (will) go out there with full belief, (and in) full throttle to get the win, because that’s all that matters." Catch the ASEAN Mitsubishi Electric Cup 2024 live or on-demand for free from Dec 8, 2024, to Jan 5, 2025, on mewatch . Visit mewatch.sg/aseancup for more details.
Wall Street inches higher, setting more records
Raj HC starts hearing in ekal patta case, asks parties to submit docuNew Tech Buzz: Poet Technologies’ Game-Changing Moves! Is It the Next Big Thing?
Hungary must go its own way, and Brusselsites will not tell Hungarian companies with whom to do business, said Istvan Hollik, MP of the Christian Democrats, in his year-end video message published on the party's Facebook page on Friday. "The year 2024 brought many challenges for Hungary: both the war and the misguided sanctions made it difficult to restart economic growth," the politician of the co-ruling Christian Democrats (KDNP) said in the video. We, Christian Democrats, believe that Hungary's success rests on peace and the preservation of our neutrality, which stems from our economic sovereignty, he stressed, adding that therefore, Hungary will continue to resist pressure from Brussels in 2025. It is not the Brusselsites who will tell Hungarian companies who they can and cannot do business with, he underlined. Hungary must go its own way, he added. "We would like Hungary to become a meeting point for Eastern and Western technologies, as this is how the greatest economic growth can be achieved, argued Istvan Hollik. To this end, Hungarian small and medium-sized businesses will receive special attention and support next year through the Demjan Sandor program, he pointed out. We have agreed with employers and employees on a three-year wage increase so that all Hungarian workers can benefit from economic growth, he said, highlighting that the goal is to make the average wage of one million forints a reality in Hungary. The year 2025 will bring challenges, but we can face the new year full of hope, the politician from the co-ruling party summed up. One thing is certain: the Christian Democratic People's Party will continue to work for Hungary and the Hungarian people in 2025, Istvan Hollik said in conclusion. A téma legfrissebb hírei Hungary's EU Affairs Minister: Let's Make Europe Great Together! The adoption of the Budapest Declaration was one of the greatest successes of Hungary's EU presidency. Terrorists and Extremists Lurk Amid Migrants Fear of migrants is palpable in the Balkans. Peacetime Budget If all goes well, domestic consumption can pick up again, people will finally stop preparing for the worst and everyone can take another step forward. Hungary's Government Makes Huge Efforts to Spend 2.1 Percent of GDP on Defense Hungary is engaged in the second most dynamic military development in Europe. Veszélyes útszakaszra figyelmeztetnek Tolna vármegyében Petíciót indít Brüsszel magyarellenes politikája miatt a Nemzeti Ellenállás Mozgalom Rossz hírünk van: ezek a csillagjegyek lesznek 2025 elejének nagy vesztesei Magyarra még nem mondtak ilyet: ő az új Cristiano Ronaldo Így mutatja meg a gyűrűsujjad, hogy mennyire vagy rabja az alkoholnak Amikor a TEK-es azon aggódik, hogy jól vagy-e Bayer Zsolt: Ki miért felelős ma? A német listavezető magyar játékosa szerint eddig uralták a félszezont A pojácashow folytatódik Kéri László az ünnep tiszteletére ismét bohócot csinált magából Bayer Zsolt kemény véleménye Magyar Péterről, a háború és Brüsszel titkos tárgyalásai Pottyondy Edina vígan él a kormány gyalázásából, mutatjuk, mennyi bevételre tett szert Címoldalról ajánljuk Hungary's EU Affairs Minister: Let's Make Europe Great Together! The adoption of the Budapest Declaration was one of the greatest successes of Hungary's EU presidency. Terrorists and Extremists Lurk Amid Migrants Fear of migrants is palpable in the Balkans. Peacetime Budget If all goes well, domestic consumption can pick up again, people will finally stop preparing for the worst and everyone can take another step forward. Hungary's Government Makes Huge Efforts to Spend 2.1 Percent of GDP on Defense Hungary is engaged in the second most dynamic military development in Europe. Fontos híreink Változások januártól: béremelés, munkáshitel, lakhatási támogatás érkezik Zaharova: Veszélyes Volodimir Zelenszkijre hallgatni és ennek két oka is van Öt étel, aminek veszélyes lehet a maradéka Megakadályoztak egy terrortámadás-sorozatot Oroszországban Hordozható hangszórónak álcázták a bombát. Ha elfelejtette a virslit, itt megveheti még december 31-én is Cristiano Ronaldo beteg halakról beszélt a győzelme után egy gálán Kifogyóban az amerikai ATACMS rakéták készlete Ukrajnában Heves harcok zajlanak az afgán–pakisztáni határon Meghalt Franco Zeffirelli feledhetetlen Júliája+videó Orbán Viktor: A meló soha nem érhet véget A mesterséges intelligencia a következő harminc évben kiirthatja az emberiséget Kigyulladt hazánk egyik rekorder fája, de megmentették A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat. Belföldi híreink Hungary's EU Affairs Minister: Let's Make Europe Great Together! The adoption of the Budapest Declaration was one of the greatest successes of Hungary's EU presidency. Terrorists and Extremists Lurk Amid Migrants Fear of migrants is palpable in the Balkans. Peacetime Budget If all goes well, domestic consumption can pick up again, people will finally stop preparing for the worst and everyone can take another step forward. Hungary's Government Makes Huge Efforts to Spend 2.1 Percent of GDP on Defense Hungary is engaged in the second most dynamic military development in Europe. Külföldi híreink Spare Us the Foolish Cynicism of "Attackers Are Human Too"! The terrorist attack in Magdeburg offers an unflinching reflection of the moral state of contemporary Western politics. Azbej Tristan: Syrian Christians Can Count on Hungary The state secretary in charge of programs assisting persecuted Christians stressed that Hungary will continue to stand by Christians in the Middle East. Potential Draftees Seized for Zelensky's War, Even at Christmas In Zelensky’s so-called “model democracy,” the brutal abductions of potential darftees from the streets have continued even during the holidays. A „kicsi” népszerűbb, mint Donald Trump. Feltámad a Vészhelyzet és érkezik az új Trónok harca-előzménysorozat az HBO-n Az elmúlt évek legizgalmasabb és legváltozatosabb tartalomkínálatával készül 2025-re a Warner Bros. Discovery streamingplatformja, a Max. Kína légiereje bemutatta hatodik generációs vadászgépét + videó Kína újabb mérföldkőhöz érkezett a légitechnológiai fejlesztések terén. A „vénember” továbbjutott, óriási csata a darts-vb-n Luke Humphries simán, Gerwyn Price óriási csata után jutott tovább a darts-világbajnokságon. A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat.ATLANTA — On Jan. 18 and 19 the AT&T Playoff Playlist Live! will be held at State Farm Arena in advance of the College Football Playoff national championship on Jan. 20. The star-studded lineup was announced Thursday at a news conference at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Performances will include Lil Wayne and GloRilla on Saturday; and Camila Cabello, Myles Smith and Knox on Sunday. On game day, the Allstate Championship Tailgate, taking place just outside Mercedes-Benz Stadium in the Home Depot Backyard, will feature country acts on the Capital One Music Stage, including global superstar Kane Brown and iHeartCountry “On The Verge” artist Ashley Cooke. The concerts are just two of the festivities visiting fans can enjoy in the days leading up to the big game. The fan experience for both ticket holders and the general public has been a focus for event planners. All weekend long, an estimated 100,000 people from across the country are expected to attend fan events preceding kickoff. People are also reading... “It will be an opportunity for fans of all ages to come together to sample what college football is all about, and you don’t have to have a ticket to the game to be a part of it,” said Bill Hancock, executive director of the CFP in a press release. “We’ve worked closely with the Atlanta Football Host Committee to develop fan-friendly events that thousands will enjoy come January.” On Saturday, Jan. 18, Playoff Fan Central will open at the Georgia World Congress Center in downtown Atlanta. The free, family-friendly experience will include games, clinics, pep rallies, special guest appearances, autograph signings and exhibits celebrating college football and its history. That day, fans can also attend Media Day, presented by Great Clips, which will feature one-hour sessions with student-athletes and coaches from each of the College Football Playoff national championship participating teams. ESPN and social media giants X, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will be taping live broadcasts from the event. On Sunday, Jan. 19, the Trophy Trot, both a 5K and 10K race, will wind its way through the streets of downtown Atlanta. Each Trophy Trot participant will receive a T-shirt and finisher’s medal. Participants can register at atlantatrackclub.org . On Sunday evening, the Georgia Aquarium will host the Taste of the Championship dining event, which offers attendees the opportunity to indulge in food and drink prepared by local Atlanta chefs. This premium experience serves as an elevated exploration of local cuisine on the eve of the national championship. Tickets to the Taste of the Championship event are available on etix.com . Atlanta is the first city ever to repeat as host for the CFP national championship. The playoff was previously held in Atlanta in 2018. “We are honored to be the first city to repeat as host for the CFP national championship and look forward to welcoming college football fans from around the country in January,” said Dan Corso, president of the Atlanta Sports Council and Atlanta Football Host Committee. “This event gives us another opportunity to showcase our incredible city.” The College Football Playoff is the event that crowns the national champion in college football. The quarterfinals and semifinals rotate annually among six bowl games — the Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic, Vrbo Fiesta Bowl, Capital One Orange Bowl, Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl, Rose Bowl Game presented by Prudential and the Allstate Sugar Bowl. This year’s quarterfinals will take place on Dec. 31, 2024 and Jan. 1, 2025, while the semifinals will be Jan. 9-10, 2025. The CFP national championship will be Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. For additional information on the College Football Playoff, visit CollegeFootballPlayoff.com . Be the first to know
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The hills are alive. Anaconda residents won’t hear nuns singing from the slopes of A-Hill or C-Hill. Yet they might savor a songbird’s serenade or a mule deer fawn's bleats and bawls as the animals find cover in recently-rooted shrubs and trees. A current document from the state’s Natural Resource Damage Program describes the recovery of vegetation and wildlife habitat in the landmark hills above Anaconda — a revival aided and abetted by the copper smelter’s closing in 1980, by human toil since then and the passage of time. Both the vegetation and Anaconda have begun to thrive in recent years. The Natural Resource Damage Program, or NRDP, aims to restore vegetation and other natural resources lost to pollution from more than 100 years of toxic smelter emissions. It’s all part of the federal Superfund process that guides remediation and restoration. NRDP’s mission also includes addressing a century of lost recreational opportunities. The program has funds available toward that end reached in a 2008 settlement with Atlantic Richfield. Enter the Anaconda-Deer Lodge County Open Lands Plan. Adopted in early 2024, the 142-page plan reports, “The Anaconda community prioritizes the development of a comprehensive, interconnected multi-use trail system that caters to various activities and skill levels.” Enter the Anaconda Trail Society, a nonprofit with about 100 active members. It has proposed creating a recreational trail that would link Birch Street in east Anaconda to the Sunnyside area in west Anaconda. As envisioned, the 3.5-mile non-motorized trail would serve walkers, hikers, bicyclists and, possibly, riders on horseback. On Monday, Emily Adams, president of the Anaconda Trail Society, described the proposed path as a single-track trail. Some accounts of single-track trails describe them as being only as wide as a mountain bike. American Trails reports that a single-track mountain bike trail is typically between 12 inches and 30 inches wide. Adams said the Birch to Sunnyside trail would likely be 36 inches to 48 inches wide. She said a hiker or biker might need to step aside to let the other pass. Signage would explain and encourage trail etiquette, Adams said, and the proposed trail’s comparatively even grade would not enable cyclists to come barreling around curves. Anaconda-Deer Lodge County is poised to purchase the A-Hill property with $200,000 in NRDP funds. The city-county already owns acreage on C-Hill. As a result, as envisioned, the trail would travel across Anaconda-Deer Lodge County property. A 2008 Consent Decree with Atlantic Richfield/BP provided about $13.3 million to the state for natural resource damages suffered by pollution-impacted lands on Stucky Ridge, Smelter Hill and the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area. An Anaconda Uplands Restoration Plan prepared by NRDP specified that up to $4 million could be used for restoration on lands owned by Anaconda-Deer Lodge County. In April 2023, NRDP celebrated the completed cleanup of state lands on Stucky Ridge and within portions of the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area east and south of Anaconda. Last month, NRDP published an amendment to the Anaconda Uplands Restoration Plan. Among other things, it provides a recommendation about how to divvy up that $4 million between restoration activities such as ecological restoration, wildlife habitat restoration or recreational restoration. NRDP has proposed allocating $1.9 million for recreation projects. The program suggests that development of trail networks, trailheads and signage on A-Hill and C-Hill — trails designed to serve multiple user groups — could be considered an appropriate restoration action. The Anaconda Trail Society would hire professional trail designers and builders if funding becomes available through NRDP, grants or some combination. As proposed, it would partner with Anaconda-Deer Lodge County to collaborate on planning, developing, monitoring and maintaining trail segments. The city-county could also assist with matching costs for potential grant awards and provide other support. Adams said a properly designed and built dirt trail, with water bars and other features to reduce erosion, should need little maintenance. County commissioners for Anaconda-Deer Lodge County were scheduled to review a related memorandum of understanding during the board’s Tuesday night meeting. As envisioned, the connection between Birch Street and Sunnyside Road would be “a leisurely, groomed trail” with a grade below 12%, Adams said. The community could access the trail at Birch Street, Sheep Gulch, 7 Street, Walnut Street, Willow Street and Sunnyside Road. During a Nov. 26 meeting of commissioners for Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Adams said the trail would yield community, social and health benefits. She noted too that studies have demonstrated that trails provide economic benefits to communities. Meeting minutes from Nov. 26 show that Commissioner Ed Beaudette expressed concerns about including horses on the trail and whether it would be wheelchair accessible. Adams said the trail would not be wheelchair accessible and it’s not yet clear whether horses would be appropriate. NRDP’s proposed amendment to the Anaconda Uplands Restoration Plan cites reforestation efforts dating back to 1940. It references work by Bob Andreozzi, now retired as a forester for the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and others for shepherding years of conifer and shrubs planting around Anaconda, as well as ambitious Arbor Day plantings. NRDP notes also that in some areas, lands owned by Anaconda-Deer Lodge County are returning to baseline conditions — as in, conditions prior to pollution — “without the expenditure of remedy or restoration funds.” Ray Vinkey, an environmental scientist for NRDP, said no Anaconda Uplands money has been spent to date on recreation.
What time is BYU vs Colorado and where to watch the 2024 Alamo Bowl game?HANOI: It will take a monumental effort if Singapore are to make their first ASEAN Championship final since 2012. The Lions are down two goals against a side unbeaten in this edition of the tournament. They'll have to reverse the deficit in front of a vociferous Vietnamese crowd at the Viet Tri Stadium in Phu Tho province on Sunday (Dec 29). History doesn't favour the Lions either - they have not triumphed over Vietnam in a competitive fixture since 1998. But they are keeping the faith. "Everybody was angry and frustrated because we lost the game in Singapore," said midfielder Kyoga Nakamura at a pre-match press conference on Saturday, referring to the first leg of the semi-finals on Thursday. The recently naturalised Singaporean was suspended for the game after accumulating two yellow cards in the group stage. "But it is a very good thing (to have such emotions) ... We have very good energy to change some things. We will use these emotions to play a good game," he added. On Thursday, two late goals in the depths of stoppage time saw the Lions fall in the first leg of the ASEAN Championship semi-finals , which means they will need to win by a margin of three goals to progress. The away goals rule does not feature in the tournament, which means that a two-goal victory for Singapore will result in extra time. A controversial penalty from Nguyen Tien Linh in the 101st minute and a strike from naturalised Brazilian Rafaelson, now known as Nguyen Xuan Son, three minutes later gave Vietnam the victory. The late penalty decision came after defender Shakir Hamzah was adjudged to have handled in the penalty box, but it seemed as if Shakir had been pushed by Nguyen Xuan Son. "The decisions from the referee were not within our control. Now that game is over, we look forward to the ‘second half’ of the game," said midfielder Hami Syahin. "It’s hard to lose with a performance where we think we did well ... It’s definitely disappointing but we know that we’ve got a job to do in Vietnam and the boys believe we can do it." Speaking to CNA in the aftermath of the defeat, former Lions goalkeeper Hassan Sunny said that Singapore had done well for most of the match. "We were a bit demoralised after the first goal and the sucker punch came right towards the end of the game," said Hassan, who announced his retirement from international football earlier this year. BEING MENTALLY STRONG With the crowd behind their opponents and the first leg result against them, the Lions need to be mentally strong, explained skipper Hariss Harun. And the team's performances throughout the tournament have shown that they can mix it with the best, said Hami. "We know that we can play, we know that we can hurt teams. It’s a matter of taking our chances in this kind of competition," he explained. Echoing similar sentiments, experienced custodian Hassan pointed out that the semi-final is far from over. "It’s not over yet. We still have another 90 minutes to play. I’m sure the boys will bounce back," he said. "The belief they had is not for 90 minutes. The belief they had is for 180 minutes ... Football is a game of surprise(s) and we’ll hope to see some surprises in the next one." Prior to Thursday's first leg, Vietnam had topped Group B with three wins and a draw. The Lions finished second in Group A with two wins, a draw and a defeat to Thailand. The winner of the semi-finals will take on either Thailand or the Philippines in the final. Underdogs Philippines beat the defending champions 2-1 in the first leg and hold a slender advantage going into Monday’s reverse fixture in Bangkok. "It’s a difficult job, but it’s not an impossible job," said Hami of Sunday's match, which takes place at 9pm Singapore time. "We (will) go out there with full belief, (and in) full throttle to get the win, because that’s all that matters." Catch the ASEAN Mitsubishi Electric Cup 2024 live or on-demand for free from Dec 8, 2024, to Jan 5, 2025, on mewatch . Visit mewatch.sg/aseancup for more details.
Wall Street inches higher, setting more records
Raj HC starts hearing in ekal patta case, asks parties to submit docuNew Tech Buzz: Poet Technologies’ Game-Changing Moves! Is It the Next Big Thing?
Hungary must go its own way, and Brusselsites will not tell Hungarian companies with whom to do business, said Istvan Hollik, MP of the Christian Democrats, in his year-end video message published on the party's Facebook page on Friday. "The year 2024 brought many challenges for Hungary: both the war and the misguided sanctions made it difficult to restart economic growth," the politician of the co-ruling Christian Democrats (KDNP) said in the video. We, Christian Democrats, believe that Hungary's success rests on peace and the preservation of our neutrality, which stems from our economic sovereignty, he stressed, adding that therefore, Hungary will continue to resist pressure from Brussels in 2025. It is not the Brusselsites who will tell Hungarian companies who they can and cannot do business with, he underlined. Hungary must go its own way, he added. "We would like Hungary to become a meeting point for Eastern and Western technologies, as this is how the greatest economic growth can be achieved, argued Istvan Hollik. To this end, Hungarian small and medium-sized businesses will receive special attention and support next year through the Demjan Sandor program, he pointed out. We have agreed with employers and employees on a three-year wage increase so that all Hungarian workers can benefit from economic growth, he said, highlighting that the goal is to make the average wage of one million forints a reality in Hungary. The year 2025 will bring challenges, but we can face the new year full of hope, the politician from the co-ruling party summed up. One thing is certain: the Christian Democratic People's Party will continue to work for Hungary and the Hungarian people in 2025, Istvan Hollik said in conclusion. A téma legfrissebb hírei Hungary's EU Affairs Minister: Let's Make Europe Great Together! The adoption of the Budapest Declaration was one of the greatest successes of Hungary's EU presidency. Terrorists and Extremists Lurk Amid Migrants Fear of migrants is palpable in the Balkans. Peacetime Budget If all goes well, domestic consumption can pick up again, people will finally stop preparing for the worst and everyone can take another step forward. Hungary's Government Makes Huge Efforts to Spend 2.1 Percent of GDP on Defense Hungary is engaged in the second most dynamic military development in Europe. Veszélyes útszakaszra figyelmeztetnek Tolna vármegyében Petíciót indít Brüsszel magyarellenes politikája miatt a Nemzeti Ellenállás Mozgalom Rossz hírünk van: ezek a csillagjegyek lesznek 2025 elejének nagy vesztesei Magyarra még nem mondtak ilyet: ő az új Cristiano Ronaldo Így mutatja meg a gyűrűsujjad, hogy mennyire vagy rabja az alkoholnak Amikor a TEK-es azon aggódik, hogy jól vagy-e Bayer Zsolt: Ki miért felelős ma? A német listavezető magyar játékosa szerint eddig uralták a félszezont A pojácashow folytatódik Kéri László az ünnep tiszteletére ismét bohócot csinált magából Bayer Zsolt kemény véleménye Magyar Péterről, a háború és Brüsszel titkos tárgyalásai Pottyondy Edina vígan él a kormány gyalázásából, mutatjuk, mennyi bevételre tett szert Címoldalról ajánljuk Hungary's EU Affairs Minister: Let's Make Europe Great Together! The adoption of the Budapest Declaration was one of the greatest successes of Hungary's EU presidency. Terrorists and Extremists Lurk Amid Migrants Fear of migrants is palpable in the Balkans. Peacetime Budget If all goes well, domestic consumption can pick up again, people will finally stop preparing for the worst and everyone can take another step forward. Hungary's Government Makes Huge Efforts to Spend 2.1 Percent of GDP on Defense Hungary is engaged in the second most dynamic military development in Europe. Fontos híreink Változások januártól: béremelés, munkáshitel, lakhatási támogatás érkezik Zaharova: Veszélyes Volodimir Zelenszkijre hallgatni és ennek két oka is van Öt étel, aminek veszélyes lehet a maradéka Megakadályoztak egy terrortámadás-sorozatot Oroszországban Hordozható hangszórónak álcázták a bombát. Ha elfelejtette a virslit, itt megveheti még december 31-én is Cristiano Ronaldo beteg halakról beszélt a győzelme után egy gálán Kifogyóban az amerikai ATACMS rakéták készlete Ukrajnában Heves harcok zajlanak az afgán–pakisztáni határon Meghalt Franco Zeffirelli feledhetetlen Júliája+videó Orbán Viktor: A meló soha nem érhet véget A mesterséges intelligencia a következő harminc évben kiirthatja az emberiséget Kigyulladt hazánk egyik rekorder fája, de megmentették A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat. Belföldi híreink Hungary's EU Affairs Minister: Let's Make Europe Great Together! The adoption of the Budapest Declaration was one of the greatest successes of Hungary's EU presidency. Terrorists and Extremists Lurk Amid Migrants Fear of migrants is palpable in the Balkans. Peacetime Budget If all goes well, domestic consumption can pick up again, people will finally stop preparing for the worst and everyone can take another step forward. Hungary's Government Makes Huge Efforts to Spend 2.1 Percent of GDP on Defense Hungary is engaged in the second most dynamic military development in Europe. Külföldi híreink Spare Us the Foolish Cynicism of "Attackers Are Human Too"! The terrorist attack in Magdeburg offers an unflinching reflection of the moral state of contemporary Western politics. Azbej Tristan: Syrian Christians Can Count on Hungary The state secretary in charge of programs assisting persecuted Christians stressed that Hungary will continue to stand by Christians in the Middle East. Potential Draftees Seized for Zelensky's War, Even at Christmas In Zelensky’s so-called “model democracy,” the brutal abductions of potential darftees from the streets have continued even during the holidays. A „kicsi” népszerűbb, mint Donald Trump. Feltámad a Vészhelyzet és érkezik az új Trónok harca-előzménysorozat az HBO-n Az elmúlt évek legizgalmasabb és legváltozatosabb tartalomkínálatával készül 2025-re a Warner Bros. Discovery streamingplatformja, a Max. Kína légiereje bemutatta hatodik generációs vadászgépét + videó Kína újabb mérföldkőhöz érkezett a légitechnológiai fejlesztések terén. A „vénember” továbbjutott, óriási csata a darts-vb-n Luke Humphries simán, Gerwyn Price óriási csata után jutott tovább a darts-világbajnokságon. A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat.ATLANTA — On Jan. 18 and 19 the AT&T Playoff Playlist Live! will be held at State Farm Arena in advance of the College Football Playoff national championship on Jan. 20. The star-studded lineup was announced Thursday at a news conference at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Performances will include Lil Wayne and GloRilla on Saturday; and Camila Cabello, Myles Smith and Knox on Sunday. On game day, the Allstate Championship Tailgate, taking place just outside Mercedes-Benz Stadium in the Home Depot Backyard, will feature country acts on the Capital One Music Stage, including global superstar Kane Brown and iHeartCountry “On The Verge” artist Ashley Cooke. The concerts are just two of the festivities visiting fans can enjoy in the days leading up to the big game. The fan experience for both ticket holders and the general public has been a focus for event planners. All weekend long, an estimated 100,000 people from across the country are expected to attend fan events preceding kickoff. People are also reading... “It will be an opportunity for fans of all ages to come together to sample what college football is all about, and you don’t have to have a ticket to the game to be a part of it,” said Bill Hancock, executive director of the CFP in a press release. “We’ve worked closely with the Atlanta Football Host Committee to develop fan-friendly events that thousands will enjoy come January.” On Saturday, Jan. 18, Playoff Fan Central will open at the Georgia World Congress Center in downtown Atlanta. The free, family-friendly experience will include games, clinics, pep rallies, special guest appearances, autograph signings and exhibits celebrating college football and its history. That day, fans can also attend Media Day, presented by Great Clips, which will feature one-hour sessions with student-athletes and coaches from each of the College Football Playoff national championship participating teams. ESPN and social media giants X, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will be taping live broadcasts from the event. On Sunday, Jan. 19, the Trophy Trot, both a 5K and 10K race, will wind its way through the streets of downtown Atlanta. Each Trophy Trot participant will receive a T-shirt and finisher’s medal. Participants can register at atlantatrackclub.org . On Sunday evening, the Georgia Aquarium will host the Taste of the Championship dining event, which offers attendees the opportunity to indulge in food and drink prepared by local Atlanta chefs. This premium experience serves as an elevated exploration of local cuisine on the eve of the national championship. Tickets to the Taste of the Championship event are available on etix.com . Atlanta is the first city ever to repeat as host for the CFP national championship. The playoff was previously held in Atlanta in 2018. “We are honored to be the first city to repeat as host for the CFP national championship and look forward to welcoming college football fans from around the country in January,” said Dan Corso, president of the Atlanta Sports Council and Atlanta Football Host Committee. “This event gives us another opportunity to showcase our incredible city.” The College Football Playoff is the event that crowns the national champion in college football. The quarterfinals and semifinals rotate annually among six bowl games — the Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic, Vrbo Fiesta Bowl, Capital One Orange Bowl, Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl, Rose Bowl Game presented by Prudential and the Allstate Sugar Bowl. This year’s quarterfinals will take place on Dec. 31, 2024 and Jan. 1, 2025, while the semifinals will be Jan. 9-10, 2025. The CFP national championship will be Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. For additional information on the College Football Playoff, visit CollegeFootballPlayoff.com . Be the first to know
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